looks like it's just about open for business

I notice the NO-ON-E website has a banner page up. I'm waiting to see what the whole thing looks like. It appears it's going to closely follow the video, as well as possibly having it available for on-line viewing.

In the meantime, did anyone attend the JAIL event in Gregory this weekend? I'd love to hear a report.


Anonymous said…
CALIFORNIA lawyer and JAIL "Lieutenant Commander-in-Chief" Gary Zerman answered most or all the questions. Stegmeier just read a prepared statement and let Zerman do most of the talking.

They also sold and handed out stuff.

Remember this next time Stegmeier pretends he quit JAIL and that this is "South Dakota all the way!"

Branson is from CALIFORNIA.
Zerman is from CALIFORNIA.
Bonnie Russell is from CALIFORNIA.
PP said…
I wonder if they have a sales tax license?
Anonymous said…
Bonnie Russell was born in Illinois and grew up moving around the country, living in (as far as I can remember), eight different states as the daughter of a three time Distinguished Flying Cross medal winner, who likewise escaped from POW camp in WWII...and who received his last DFC in Vietnam.

You Mr. Anonymous seem destined to remain however, an ignorant spineless coward.
Anonymous said…
Bonnie Russell sounds like she had a great father. But what has that to do with her now living in California and promoting JAIL in SD?
Anonymous said…
Bonnie: It is all well can good that you lived in 8 different states.

The point is that none of them were or are South Dakota. Instead you and Zerman and Branson ALL living and operating out of California are trying to shove your crank amendment into the South Dakota constitution all the time pretending that this is "South Dakota all the way".

In fact it obviously is not "South Dakota all the way" when Zerman is doing most or all the talking at these events and Stegmeier's doing nothing more than trying to sell material (gee Bonnie, I thought you guys split from jail4judges, funny how out in front of the gym Stegmeier and others were selling the t-shirts).
Anonymous said…
Bonnie Russell continues to HAVE a great father, who twenty something years after his escape, was even more delighted to shoot three over par at Torrey Pines. . .and at age Eighty-three, remains an active pilot.

But just for the record, He doesn't bother with anonymous twits, either.

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