Another website peek - Mary Nosbush

What can I say but go check out, the candidate website for Mary Nosbush for the House. With it's high end flash interface, and funky bass line playing in the background, it puts all other state legislative websites to shame.

This is something you'd expect in a congressional or gubernatorial race. I wish I could do something this good, because it sets the bar pretty high for graphics and web interface technology.


Anonymous said…
I have to disagree PP. Music in the background has to be one of my biggest pet peeves. It is distracting and annoying, at least in her case she has a stop button that allows visitors to turn off the music
Anonymous said…

She's a republican, PP has to like it or he's out of the party.
Anonymous said…
To me it looks like the cover page for a nursing home brochure. Not too crazy about the background music either. Where's the beef?
PP said…
anon 2:49, clearly you've never seen my posts on Adelstein, Howie, the State GOP or anyone else I've ever given a hard time to.

And No one said anyone else had to like it. I just happen to.
Anonymous said…
I think you'll find the beef under the "Mary's Cuisine" link. She has a real nice recipe for beef stew...
Anonymous said…
Mary's website says: "I will work hard to defend the right to life for all persons, from conception to natural death."

I hope she's opposed to the death penalty, then.
Anonymous said…
Great website. Thanks for pointing it out PP. I wonder who produces it - very professional, very crisp. Sorry everyone, but I don't even think the current elected officials, in this state, have this class of site (theirs are fairly typical - plain, white, vanilla). Whoever runs the current campaigns (and I mean all of them) need to take a look.

Frankly, it looks like a car company website. High-end Sales. Precisely what the ad media in SD is not ... but should be.
Anonymous said…
Anon 9:35, why do you think some people in this old world fight so hard for the rights of people who kill other people, but they don't lift a finger to protect INNOCENT life?
Anonymous said…
So she's NOT opposed to the death penalty, is that what you're saying?

She might want to get to work updating the website, if that's the case....
Douglas said…
Many people left "the old country" to escape domination by state sponsored religions. Theocracy is a pox.

SD conservatives don't seem to understand what they are giving up when they try to mix church and state . Sorry state of affairs in the SD Republican party. Sorrier still is the SD Democratic Party which seems awfully gutless in defending personal freedoms and in defending church and state from dangerous coupling.
Anonymous said…
Just a guess but I would give much of the web developing credit to here fabulous daughter Jael.
Anonymous said…
Mary From Gary shall now speak for herself: #1. I oppose the death penalty. #2. I did the website setup myself, but I'm not for hire.
Anonymous said…
Mary, I admire your consistency. If I lived in your district, you'd have my vote.
Anonymous said…
I fail to see the consistency. On one hand, you're defending innocent life. On the other, you're defending the life of those who have heinously taken innocent life.

Believing in protecting the sanctity of life and supporting the death penalty are not mutually exclusive. The difference is summed up quite simply. Three words. Innocence versus accountability.
Anonymous said…
Anon 1:38AM, that isn't the way the Catholic Church sees it. In fact the words "from conception to natural death" come straight out of the Vatican.
Anonymous said…
Yes, NN, but from the evangelical point of view, its:

1. Pro-Life
2. Pro-Death Penalty
3. Pro-Gun
4. Pro-War
5. Pro-Oil
6. Pro-Pride

And by Pro Oil I mean pro big business, anti-little guy, anti-environment (with some new notable exceptions).

The is no room for Catholic consistency when you believe God talks and works only for you and not for all peoples.
Anonymous said…
I never understand when people talk about the innocent fetus. No one has ever explained to me what the woman carrying the fetus is guilty of.

Having sex, perhaps?
Anonymous said…
Anon 6:31, you make a good point. As such, I think it should be legal for the mother to choose to abort her child's life until the child turns 18 years old. If at any time, for any reason (such as economic hardship, health--including mental health--of the mother, etc., or if she simply decides that she no longer wishes to parent a particular child), she should be able to make the decision to terminate the child. After all, she's not guilty of anything for merely getting pregnant and having the child.

Andrea Yates did the right thing. She exercised her freedom of choice. I can't believe anybody would think otherwise.
Anonymous said…
Mary speaking for herself:
I have often thought that abortion was the ultimate parental right. However, those rights end at birth in this country. You know you are in trouble if you get caught swatting your child on the rear in a Wal-Mart. No more parents' rights there.

The reason to object to the death penalty is that there is hope for a man to repent as long as there is breath in him. If he is put to death, he can no longer repent and seek forgiveness. I certainly favor incarceration of dangerous criminals.
Anonymous said…
...and the reason to support the death penalty is that until that man has breathed his last breath, he can murder again. We've all heard stories of convicted murderers who have killed or maimed other convicts or even guards in prison. What if he kills a man or two who have not yet repented? For every scenario you can present, there is an even more compelling reason why the death penalty still has relevance and should be imposed.
Anonymous said…
The death penalty was clearly established by God as a means of punishing the most heinous or depraved crimes. It is foolish for us to read into the New Testament what it does not say. If God had intended for the death penalty to be abolished I think He would have been equally clear in saying so.

I'm all for murderers repenting and seeking forgiveness. And they all have ample opportunity to do so. These days, unfortunately, they have years in which to repent while their lawyers play their little games.

For those who think the New Testament negates the death penalty provision of the Old Testament, consult with Matthew 5:17. "17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." (KJV)

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