Today's action in the Sutton Hearing

Just like yesterday, if you want to catch the Sutton Hearing, go to the LRC Website and the feed for room 412 around 3:00 - 3:30pm:

Or if you like to watch, go to, who will be streaming the proceedings live.

I'd also put in a plug for the Argus Leader's Voices weblog who, admittedly, has stepped up to the plate for live text based coverage. You can read that at

Denise Ross over at her Hog House blog is also doing a pretty good job herself. Catch text and video over at at

I got too entranced by the coverage to live blog it yesterday myself (along with Blogger's problems). Hopefully, both of those issues are resolved for today, and I'll try to get to it in about the 5pm Hour.


Anonymous said…
Testing 1, 2, 3.
Did this post tank?
Anonymous said…
this link is for the live mikes,,,a new link to archived audio would be nice. not sure if sdpb is archiving these hearings ?
Anonymous said…
Dear Brady Olson,

What the....

Anonymous said…
This has gone from bad, to ugly to o my gosh.
Question: does this mean if a trial would come about that this information can not be used in court????
I am shaking my head here.
Anonymous said…
Just when you thought that things couldn't be any stranger they are. I just hope Brady can locate his brain after the hearing.
Anonymous said…
I hope that this is not their best witness? Egad!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Maybe his brain is hidden under the furniture with these notes. Must not be a very good housekeeper.
Anonymous said…
I don't have time to listen to it all. What did brady olson say? Is he the one who said he had found other victims, and that Sutton had chold porn on his computer? Now, that does sound like something for a criminal case.
Anonymous said…
Is Sutton is guilty, he needs to go for sure. If he isn't, he needs to go home because he is TOO STUPID TO SERVE IN PIERRE!
Anonymous said…
Well, IMO, this has all been rather anti-climatic so far (no pun intended, really.)

Sutton supporters have been saying all along that the “real truth” would come out and we would all see the light about what a bad kid A.W. is and how Danny has been unfairly framed. So far, the only bombshells I’ve heard have come from the other side (porn on the computer, other victims, a secret tape). Of course, there’s always tomorrow…

It’s not looking good for Danny boy. While A.W.’s comments and reactions are consistent with someone whose been sexually victimized by a person in power, Sutton’s are not at all consistent with someone wrongly accused of the abhorrent act of sexual abuse. They are, however, quite consistent with someone who is in full damage control mode at the direction of his high-powered lawyers.
Anonymous said…
there is no mention of child porn. You really should read the argus leader post and then you could get the brief synopsis.
Anonymous said…
8.03 That's the whole problem, kiddo.

There is no such thing as "too supid to serve in Pierre."

Would that there were such.
Anonymous said…
If someone had strong faith as Dan states. No and mean no could take your faith away as Dan stated.
Being a CCD teacher and religious and having deep faith he should know that.
They may have removed him from DDC instruction but no one canremove his faith except him.
Look at the history of someone who always works arounds kids!!!! I am no saying all people who work with kids harm them. Just look at history.
I am not saying he is or is not guilty of this.
Anonymous said…
8:28: there was mention of kiddie porn tonight.
Anonymous said…
7:41: Brady Olson said he took notes when Austin Wiese called him in the middle of the night to tell him what happened. He said he then hid the notes. He said he frequently takes notes of phone conversations he has and hides them in various places in his house.

He then said he talked to a Brandon something about a repressed memory he had of Sutton doing the same thing to him, took notes on that a year ago, and hid the notes. He said he just provided those notes to the Senate attorney on Friday, though he's known about this incident for a long time.

Then when Turbak questioned him, he said he had notes about a Nathan who found child porn on Sutton's computer. Again, he said he had notes about this that he has hidden under some furniture. This seems to be the first time anyone has ever heard of this. Turbak seemed pretty disgusted with him. After he finished testifying, the committee went into recess for several minutes.

Brady Olson sounded like a total loon.

I absolutely believe Sutton is guilty of something but the investigation was so botched and his family and the other people surrounding him seen like such idiots that I can't see how this is going to turn out well for the victim.
Anonymous said…
Before we stamp Brady Olson as a loon, I think it is important to consider the fact that Brady had friends calling him and telling them about alleged molestations. I think that it was smart of Brady to write down what he was told. I think that by writing down what he was told, Brady made himself a better witness. I also think that it was honorable that Brady would put the paper out of sight, his friends trusted him to keep a secret and he went out of his way to do it. Sure it may seem odd that he would go to such lengths to hide the notes, but before pointing fingers, I think that people should step back and evaluate the situation that Brady was put in. I am sure that Brady would have rather not been put in that situation and I think that it is rude to label Brady a loon simply because of some of his actions in such a difficult situation. I think that there are other actions that took place on that night that are much more despicable than taking notes on a conversation and hiding them so that they cannot be found.
Anonymous said…
Why did he lie to the DCI investigator? Why did he not tell anyone about this child porn thing until, like, today?

He told the panel that he takes notes on lots of conversations he has and hides them - not just conversations about this case. He told Turbak he keeps files about certain things and hides them. Do you honestly know ANYONE who does that?

He made no sense at all.
Anonymous said…
On one hand there is a person who hides notes that he takes during conversations.

On the other hand there is a person who molests people when he thinks they are sleeping.

Hmmm...I wonder which one I would like to have as a friend.
Anonymous said…
I am not saying Sutton is innocent. Far from it. I am saying Brady Olson did not help Wiese's case. You could hear the disgust in Turbak's voice as she questioned him. No one found him credible.
Anonymous said…
Turbak might as well be the third lawyer for Sutton. I think it is obvious that she wants to keep Sutton around. I think that Brady was a credible witness. What part of Brady's testimony was damaging to the Wiese case?
Anonymous said…
He lied to the DCI by withholding information and admits that. He is to this day still hiding information from the DCI.

For a start.

If you found him credible, you were the only one.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, no one keeps notes like that. Especially a young person. What a bunch of BS that was.
Anonymous said…
Brady misunderstood how the other notes that he had may have come into play on the Wiese/Sutton case. If you want to crucify him for that, go ahead. I think that Brady was credible. While you are generalizing for the world “If you found him credible, you were the only one.” You had better inform people that record keeping and trying to keep your word that you gave to a friend makes for a bad witness.
Anonymous said…
It makes you a bad witness and also a liar.
Anonymous said…
He may have withheld evidence, but I think he made it clear he did not lie. He revealed this information as a result of his subpoena and the knowledge that he would have to testify under oath.

Note taking = a little odd
But I think Turback’s questioning blew it out of proportion.
Anonymous said…
He lied to the DCI investigator when the investigator directly asked him if he knew of others. He said no. He knew otherwise. For him to say no would be a lie.

Are you people seriously this dense?
Anonymous said…
At least his voicebox wasn't stuck on "I said what I said."
Anonymous said…
I think Turbak forgot she wasn't in court defending a guilty party. She is now a Senate investigator, not a defense attorney. Considering the circumstances, I thought Olson did well. If you had some really juicy gossip,or knew of possible criminal conduct, wouldn't you keep notes to keep your facts, dates, times, persos, etc. straight. I certainly would and certainly have.
Anonymous said… you do this as a matter of course, whenever you talk about something on the phone? Do you hide your files under various pieces of furniture? If an investigator for the state asked you about them, would you lie?

I swear to God, I feel like I am on Pluto or something. WHAT HE SAID WAS INSANE. PP thinks so. Ross over at Hog House thinks so. The Argus used the word "bizarre" to describe the guy's testimony.
Anonymous said…
I take notes when I talk to people depending on what the call is about.
But i do not hide them. If the notes are important i put them in a safe place so i don't misplace them.
Remember he is a also a teacher.
Take that one and run with it however you want.

This almost sounds like a movie in the making.

Proof is one thing. The only thing that was admitted was that they slept in the same bed. FACT

So we have one "admitted" fact. there are other items leaning on the side of wrong doing but....
Anonymous said…
I would say hiding notes and keeping them in a safe place are one and the same. You put them where you know they are, and where someone else won't see them. This guy did graduate from college and is a teacher, so he's no dummy.
Anonymous said…
The secret is to remember where one hides the notes. Otherwise, the whole thing is pointless.
I've known a few teachers and plenty of college graduates who acted like dummies. Earning a college diploma doesn't guarantee that one has common sense.
Anonymous said…
You know, I graduated high school with Brady (and went to school with many of these other people and yes, I know Dan and no, I'm not going there). To be perfectly honest, it doesn't surprise me that he wrote down what Austin told him (and don't forget he asked Austin to repeat it all so he could write it down. It's not like it was his initial reaction.) Anyway, I think that the fact that he wrote it down was smart. Obviously there are serious allegations out there, and he wanted to be able to tell the truth about what he was told. Brady is a commendable guy--very smart and honest and is always looking out for others. HE was put in a tough situation and handled it the way he thought best. (And it seemed to me that he never told the DCI agent "No." He was clear on the stand that he only answered the agent with "I knew of Austin." So really, he never answered the question.) And WTF was Duffy asking him if he did any investigation of the hotel room, Brady a DCI agent?

Anyway, his actions in this whole thing are besides the point. Do you think he asked that Austin call him? or even put yourself in Brady's shoes, how would you react? PUT yourself in Austin's [or anyone involved in this case] position? I don't think anyone knows how they would truly react until they are actually in that situation.

Point is: The focus should not be on Brady. The character in question is Dan.
Anonymous said…
I completely agree with 844, he made sure he didn't lie - if you knew Brady - you know he wouldn't lie. He answered the question so he could tell the truth - I know about Austin. If you people didnt hear that - go back and listen. And you might be suprised at how many smart people take notes - they don't want to be confused when they have to repeat a story about such a serious topic. Don't call him a loony - he's far from it. And he's closer to a genius than some of you will ever be.
Anonymous said…
As a part of my Anonymous Job, I look into claims of theft. I take notes when I talk to people. People take notes when they talk to me.

FHS Alum, if we are fully buying Brady Olson's story, no, he didn't ask for Austin Wiese to call him. It was smart of him to take notes, and it is something I would probably have done as well due to my job experience.

It starts to get weird when he talks about the ad hoc investigation he conducted by calling all of his former circle of friends to determine if others experienced the same thing. He solicited the two other stories he claimes to have noted and hidden in his home. When asked by the investigator if he knew of other victims, he said he did not. Though he did. That is wihholding necessary information, if not outright lying, and it calls one's credibility into question.

The difference between my note taking, and the note taking any normal person would do in this circumstance, is that my notes are turned over to appropriate law enforcement agencies IMMEDIATELY. I don't hide the notes under a file cabinet at work.

You're right, the character in question is Dan. The Senate wants to know what really happened with Sutton and Wiese so that Sutton can be appropriately punished for wrongdoing if necessary. They can't do that if one of the witnesses is hiding half the deck of cards under the dresser in his bedroom.
Anonymous said…
9:19: I agree, he shouldn't have withheld the information when being interviewed. That was poor judgement. And I can appreciate that you would turn your notes in to the authorities immediately, because like you said, you do questioning/note taking for a living. Brady doesn't. So perhaps thats where the origin of his err in judgement lies. I don't think he made the right choice in not telling the police of the other instances, but I do think that he made the right choice in making notes. Again, I think he did what he thought best, and who am I to tell him he reacted incorrectly? I don't know what I would have done had I been in his shoes. I am just glad that my reactions to startling news aren't being judged by others, b/c I know I have not always responded correctly to serious situations.

I also wanted to clarify/doublecheck something. Didn't Brady state that it was Kyle, AUSTIN's Brother, that went around and asked everyone? Brady said he was not involved in that. I believe that Brandon and Nathan went to him, but I could be wrong.

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