They might be referencing this book in the Sutton trial

How to touch what, By Eve Sonneman and Lawrence Weiner

Although, I'm not sure, but I think it's out of print. It must have been a popular one. has used ones available for a dollar. That could be what Brady Olson's note behind the chair in the Sutton hearing referred to.

"Hand on wiener?" Maybe he had his hand on this book in the school library. There - now the trial doesn't seem lurid and silly.

I think.


Anonymous said…
PP, that's hilariou....oh, I mean, shame on you!

(You for a guy with the intitials p.p., you're taking quite a risk here, Bud.)
Anonymous said…
hehehehe, sorry had to laugh! O, about the 8:54 a post.
Anonymous said…
Sutton better not get off.
Anonymous said…
I predict that criminal charges are going to be filed against Sutton.
Anonymous said…
I'll be glad when this is over, the legislature can go back to screwing the rest of us over.
Anonymous said…
AMEN to that 10:27.....remove senator sutton and get on with this joke of a legislature we ahve out in Pierre....VOTE Dan Sutton for inappropriate conduct....

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