Say.... Who's paying for this? Is Rapid City's municipal government choosing up sides in a political campaign

In today's Rapid City Journal:

(Click in image to enlarge)

Apparently Rapid City has a bond resolution coming up at the end of the month which most people in the know believe will be referred to a vote of the people. And now, mysteriously, just ahead of the bond resolution we have what I'd consider a campaign ad.

But where's the disclaimer? And who's paying for it?

I think I've come down on this type of issue before when I questioned whether or not public tax dollars were being used on the telephone ballot issue. They're certainly being used in the educational lawsuit being brought against the state.

And now, from reading the language in the advertisement, it's entirely possible that public funds are being used on yet another campaign - the expansion of the Rapid City Civic Center.


Anonymous said…
More campaign finance abuse.

I have run local ballot issue campaigns in SD and when I asked the Sec of St Office how to file and what we need to do they seemed surprised. "No one files" was the initial response.

This was several years ago, but again shows just how slack we have been across the board on compliance with election reporting rules.
Anonymous said…
PP -

Question - what's the beef about schools challenging the constitutionality of the school funding formula?

I mean, what about tax dollars being spent to challenge Roe V. Wade? What about the tax dollars that were to sue the feds (transportation secretary Dole)? What about the tax dollars they're using to deal with the Sutton matter? What about the tax dollars they used in the Missouri water dispute?

Government entities sue goverment entities all the time. Time to get off it.
Anonymous said…
Unbelievable. This is a desperate plan hatched by Jim Shaw in an attempt to put a spin on the civic center fiasco.

The ad misses the whole point. The point is not that people believe the expansion is bad, the real issue is that the expansion was handled in an unresponsible way. Who starts a project without having the money to finish it?
Anonymous said…
Isn't it true Jim Shaw was a Demcrat who changed stripes because he wanted to get elected? Well, sometimes those stripes don't always change entirely. He sure knows how to spend the hell out of the public's money.
Anonymous said…
This is nothing but an attempt to put a spin on the mess that Shaw has made out of 2012.

It just goes to show you what happens when you elect a radio DJ as mayor. Shaw doesn't have a clue what going on at city hall, except when he make a mess, and then only after everyone tells him so.
Anonymous said…
Jim Shaw is at it again.

He completely screwed up the Civic Center expansion, now he is trying to spin it.

Worse, he is using tax dollars to do it.

It's time to dump Shaw.
Anonymous said…
Public funds are being used for this campaign! Outrageous.

I hope someone forces this disaster to a public vote.
Anonymous said…
Public funds are being used for this campaign! Outrageous.

I hope someone forces this disaster to a public vote.
Anonymous said…
The problem is that there's really no one on the city council that's any better.

So if you vote out Shaw, your left with nothing better.
Anonymous said…
I think there are plenty of alternatives to Shaw. There are lots of good people in Rapid City that would be a good alternative.
Anonymous said…
It's nothing but a circus at city hall.

All we have is a bunch of clowns, from Bozo Jim Shaw, to grumpy Tom Johnson, and bitching Deb Hadcock.

I wish they would pack up the big top and just go away.
Anonymous said…
I hear Hadcock is running for mayor. So is Okrepkie.
Anonymous said…
So the state came out against amendment e as did other local government as well as judges.

Commit child abuse becomes a free pass her in suck dahooter.
Anonymous said…
Rapid City needs a new mayor and about 6 new council members
Anonymous said…
I hear Deb Hadcock has 3 opponents already? that will be a fun race to watch.

Is Tom Hennies going to run against her?
Anonymous said…
Tom Hennies is in a different ward. Sam Kookier beat him last year
Anonymous said…
Kick the whole bunch out.

There's only a couple of council members that are worth anything.

The rest, including the Mayor are worthless, spinless blowhearts.
Anonymous said…
this is all part of Shaw's re-election campaign. He's getting desperate.
Anonymous said…
I hear that Deb Hadcock is for abortion. Can somebody tell me if that is true. It really dosen't matter too me. I think she is a good person all around. I want to wish all the people the best of luck, that are running.
Anonymous said…
I want to say Deb Hadcock is a very good person, she is a good friend of mine. She knows what she is talking about. She gets the job done if it needs to be done. I just want to say if there is something that needs to be done, Deb looks at it and says who can I visit with this about. She dosen't talk the talk, she walks the talks she gets it done as soon as it gets done. I wish you the best of luck Deb you are going to win this race. She completes the things that need to be done. Well Done DEB HADCOCK
Anonymous said…
I feel sorry for the people that talk bad about the people that are saying bad things about people. I can't say or not if Deb Hadcock is for abortion or not, but I want say that she is a very good person. She has done a lot for this city. She is a very hard worker. She gets done in what she says she is going to get done. I want to say to Deb Hadcock. I want to thank you Deb for everything and about to do for this city. She is a strong willed person she tells it how it is and what she can do to make it a better city. I really don't like it when other residents of Rapid City talk bad about the counsil or Mayor. If you needed something done you can ask anyone of them to do it for you and they would try the hardest to get it done in a timely manner. I am ashamed to say that we have people like this that talk bad about our elected officals. We need to stand behind them in all that they do. I know there are people that don't agree but please keep them to yourselves. When you talk bad about somebody isn't very nice. The saying in the Bible "You Sow what you Reap." When you talk bad about somebody or something it will come back to you 10 times worse. We need people like Mayor Shaw and Deb Hadcock in office. Well done Alderwomen Deb Hadcock and Mayor Shaw I really appreciate you both very much.
Anonymous said…
I want to say I ashamed to say that I live in Rapid City. The reason I say that is because everybody in this post is backbitting everybody that is running or that is in office for the city counsel or the mayor. I think we have some very good counsel members. I ashamed of the people that talk bad about these people. These people work hard for our city and they get things done or our city would look like crap. I am sharing my opinion because somebody needs to do it. I think we have the right to share our opinions but not putting those people down. What about when something needs to be done who do we call upon our city counsel. We need solutions on how to make things better. Thanks to the City Counsel.
Anonymous said…
I want to say some things that are postive. I have seen some negative things said about Mayor Shaw and Deb Hadcock. So I want to say some postive insight about Deb Hadcock. She makes a diffence in everything she does and she always seems to find some issues and the more a person accomplishes the more people have to say about them. She could have stayed on the issues and never really did anything but she did do something about it to make it better.
Question for the residents of Rapid City. What have you done for our city lately? But cut down the people working hard at making a difference in it.
She finds solutions and answers to make it a better city.

Thank you Alderwomen Deb Hadcock for all that you do for Rapid City.
Anonymous said…
I want to say thank you for those people that say positive things about the ones running. I just want to say something. If Deb Hadcock is for Abortion that isn't the issue on this ballot. It is about how they do and what they do for our city. I just want to applaud Deb Hadcock for doing a outstanding job. She get things done and she accomplishes the things that need to be done.
Anonymous said…
I think we need more people like Alderwomen Deb Hadcock on the city counsel. She has been around the block with a lot of people in the city. She tells me to keep my head up and do things the right way. She does that herself. She does the righteous way, she dosen't look at the people if they have a problem. She looks how she can resolve the problem to make it better. I want to thank her for helping me when I needed something done in this city we call Rapid City. She keeps telling to respect the people around me. I want people how wonderful she is. Like somebody else has said this about her. I am glad to call her my friend. She never bad mouths people around her. If she has something to say to make you a better person she will tell you the truth. I want to tell you Deb thank you for your honesty and friendship.
Anonymous said…
Let's quit bad mouthing all the people. If we want the people to win, that is what they have campains for. Let's get off our high horse and do what is right. We can say negative things about them, but why do that. We always think that the positive will make us look like we are kissing up to that person. In all actuallty, we don't know anything negative to say about that person. Because we all know that the postive is all that they know what is right. So lets do the right thing and quit talking bad about the people. We all know better than that. You can take this with a grain of asalt but I want to do what is right.
Anonymous said…
I want to say all this bad mouthing Deb Hadcock should stop. Yes, Deb Hadcock is a friend of mine, I want to see her win. Because she is good at what she does. So I am sorry that if I say anything that you don't agree with. I just want to compliment her on a job well done on the job she has done for our City on the City Counsel. So Deb if you read this I appreciate you very much for doing an outstanding job in our city.
I feel that she studies ahead of time before she opens her mouth to get what we as a city needs. She thinks before she speaks. I really appreciate that. So we need to have more people like that on our city.
She has done some accomplishing things for the city. I want to commend her for what she has done.
Thank you Deb Hadcock for everything you have done to make it a better city.
Anonymous said…
In the last blog, I meant to say In all the bad mouthing about Deb Hadcock should stop. Just wanted to say that so you would read it better
Anonymous said…
The people that up for re-election this year and if they do what is best for our city. The Mayor and each Ward are up for re-election. I want the city to be a better place for me and my family. I know the there are people up for re-election they have stepped over the line for us. They go an extra mile to make our city look beautiful. They go to Neighborhood Watch Meetings, they have Beautifican Meetings and I can say those people try really hard for our city to make it look like a city should look. Thanks too all the people that work hard for our city. We don't thank you enough. Thank you very much.
Brenda34 said…
I just want to say that Deb Hadcock is very smart in what she does for the city. I can say that the city looks good because of the Job Deb Hadcock has done for Rapid City. I know she puts in 110% effort into the things she does. The people that are talking bad about Deb shame on you. And the people that talk good about Deb good job. I would like to give a round of applause to Deb Hadcock for all she has done. Good Job Deb in everything you have done and you are about to do for our city. Thank You very much.

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