Argus Leader: Thune key player in the energy debate

The Argus Leader is all abuzz this AM at how Senator John Thune is a key player in the debate taking shape in Washington over energy:
Sen. John Thune proposed a major tax break for wind energy, and this week will hear arguments for increasing vehicle fuel-economy standards.

Those and other measures could become part of a larger energy bill focused on renewables. But cooperation could fizzle without technological improvements, such as the ability to make ethanol from cellulose or to meet the nation's electricity needs without nuclear power.

"There is a real convergence right now of a lot of things. One is the growing concern that we have about foreign energy," Thune said. "Two, the growing concern about global warming.


There also is growing support for wind power, he said.

Thune's new bill proposes extending the production tax credit, the most important government support for wind turbines. It would extend the credit for five years, a step up from previous extensions.
Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
what's this about fuel-economy standards?

Anonymous said…
Moer liberal bias by the Argus Leader. They never write puff pieces about Republicans, it's always more liberal hogwash. I'm so sick and tired of them always attacking Republicans and always writing favorable articles about Democrats. Here we go again.

The conspiracy is real. Dave Kranz and Tom Daschle are lovers. Randall Beck hates Christians. Chuck Baldwin is a member of the ACLU and wants to teach kindergartners how to become homosexuals. Even Stu Whitney is a well known communist.

The Argus Leader is working with the Freemasons, the second JFK assassin, and the CIA to implment their plan of total world domination. They have black helicopter and are the leaders of a secret media plot. It's not coincidence that Jodi Schwan (KELO) runs Sioux Falls, Mitch Krebs (KSFY) runs the state, and Tony Snow (Fox News) runs the White House. The Argus Leader is the key to the whole conspiracy. If the city builds ever builds the conspiarcy headquarters (aka "the Rec Center), freedom will be an historical concept.

This article is even more evidence of the Argus Leader's liberal bias. I'm tired of them treating John Thune so unfairly. Apple pie and walleye fishing are next. You've been warned.
Anonymous said…
Please Don't attack the Mason's
Anonymous said…
I have to say that articles like this cause me to be pleasantly surprised...Thune really is doing a good job
Anonymous said…
why is thune pushing fuel economy standards? bad idea.


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