Johnson not running.
Dusty, that is.

From KCCR News:
One week after saying he was considering running for the U-S House in 2008, state Public Utilities Commission Chairman Dusty Johnson now says he will not be a candidate next year.

Johnson, a former Riggs High School graduate, says he wanted to make an early decision on whether to run. He says family issues, especially with son Max recently turning 2 years old, convinced him that this was not the time to run.
Read it all here. Dusty was nice enough to provide a few comments to add to this as well:

Statement of Dusty Johnson on the 2008 Congressional Race
May 7, 2007

In recent weeks, there has been some speculation as to whether or not I would be a candidate for federal office in 2008.

I have decided not to run for the U.S. House. In many ways, I am drawn to such an opportunity. I think that, in a few important respects, our country needs to change direction, and I would love to be a part of getting us refocused on real problems and real solutions.

Despite that attraction, my decision was not a difficult one. Our son turned two years old on Saturday, and right now the title of “father” is more important to me than any other, including “Congressman.” There are many talented people that can serve our state in Washington , but Max has only one father.

Thank you to those (especially my wife Jacquelyn) that have provided recent support and encouragement. It has been truly appreciated.

okay. open season is over. I'm killing the comments on this post because there is no reason to bring Dusty's wife into it. None at all.

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