Mainstream Moderate Crisis, Day 8: BLAME CANADA!

I've had a really crappy day. My website project (not the blog) went wacko today, and I spent most of the day attempting to fix it myself, and with tech support. It's working now, but it's left me with a headache. And now, I'm reading this from a letter to the editor in today's Mitchell Daily Republic:

Senate Journal 2/28/05, 2.p.m. - The following Republicans voted "no" or "against" HJR 1001 "anti-gay marriage" amendment to be put on the 2006 Ballot to amend the South Dakota Constitution: Ed Olson, Adelstein, McCracken, Duniphan, Knudson, Dempster, Duane Sutton.

6/30/05, News Service - "This week, the Canadian Parliment, by a vote of 158 to 133, passed the 'National Same-Sex Marriage' bill, making same sex marriages fully legal in every province across Canada.

Reading public, do you see any similarity between these two separate articles above? One would have to be a blind not to see a strong similarity of the "mainstream moderates" in the first article giving consent to the result of the second article in approving same-sex marriage in America if and when it should come. It has been said that the U.S. in only two or three years behind Canada....(bla, bla, bla, yap, yap, yap - my editing)
Dammit! I should have known better. Mainstream Moderate group? Blame Canada.

I've dealt with people like this in a couple of the campaigns I've worked on. They are kind of like the 'helpers' I've railed on about before, but these guys don't even come close to helping. Campaigns seem to attract a really interesting cast of characters.

For a while in Rapid City, I had 'Eva' who would call once or twice a week and talk about the Canadians and the upcoming invasion from up north. She was convinced that Carole Hillard was a dastardly Canadian lover.

Then there's the people who are really on the fringe. I had one guy who kept trying to come in and use our copier to duplicate some stuff I don't even want to mention. (Gee, sorry. Our copier is broken. Better go to Kinko's)

You have your militia/anti-government types, the monetary-system-is-illegal-types, and so on. (And, don't lie. You Dems have them too.)

And we put up with it all for love of the game.

So, my hats off to all of you who put up with the loveable lunatics who walk in the door and start ranting on how the president is trying to scan their mind (but they're putting tin foil in their cap to defeat the scanners). Because your day is surely going worse than mine is.


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