I'm not sure why I'm reporting on this, they're almost there...

In an e-mail from State Senator Bill Napoli regarding the S.T.O.P. group tonight, I noted that he announced with glee:
Our signature count is currently standing at 34,496 and these are the petitions that have been sent in, and are in our possession. So please keep getting signatures, we are on the down hill run. When Dave Phelps and Bob Grimm get back from Sioux Falls this weekend, we are hoping for some good numbers. Janette McIntyre is going to work the tennis tournament in Sioux Falls this weekend.
Sylvia Conrad has reported she has 1,000 signatures and will be turning them in on Monday. So keep up the good work, we are working on our cushion. Peggy is going to Pierre on Friday October 14th to check some signatures, especially those 14 cities that we can not use a PO Box for the address.
If everyone gets their petitions in, I think it is safe to assume that we can consider this measure on the ballot. That makes 2, if you count the Constitutional Amendment C - Relating to the definition of marriage. View full text of HJR 1001, as passed by the state legislature, courtesy of the Secretary of State's website - my personal favorite source of information.

The signatory jury is still out on Medical Ditch Weed, the tax-my-beer measure and whatever else they're trying to throw on the ballot.

Not to be too critical, but is it just me, or does it seem like anytime that someone is cheesed off lately, they shoot off their stupid mouth and say "Well, I'm going to start a ballot measure." What do you think this is, California?

Now, from the first on the blog, I've said if there is a measure that the Legislature is a bit chicken on, consider that you can take it to the people. But lately, we've taken a dive into sillyness. When the Lincoln County State's Attorney had someone in dutch who was running Texas hold-em poker games, and spanked because they were in violation of the law, the accused said that they were going to place the measure on the ballot so the people could decide.

Ugh. Now we've regressed from issues of statewide concern to petty, personal issues.

From those of us who disagree with the Constitutional Revision Commission trying to put a requirement of more signatures to place an item on the ballot to the new ballot meaure propose-ees: Guys, here's a hint. Putting every disagreement on the ballot does not help our case.

At least make a nominal effort to have it addressed by the legislature first. That might save you a little scorn in your attempt.


Anonymous said…
There is a big difference between threatening to put something on the ballot and actually getting it on. We have no problem in this state with having too many questions on the ballot. Anybody who thinks it is too easy has never circulated petitions.
Bob Newland said…
Of course, PP thinks that anything the legislature does is okay by definition. After all, these are our leaders.

Perhaps the proliferation of ballot measures is due to the proliferation of stupid laws.
Anonymous said…
Good points. It rather cuts against Ted Klaudt's argument against the Mainstreamers when he said that the Legislature is working just fine and the proof is in the overwhelming Republican majority. That is a silly comment but the number of ballot initiatives is proof that he's wrong.
PP said…
Of course, Bob generalizes a bit too much as usual. There are plenty of things I think the legislature does that are silly.

If you're going to post a comment, why don't you update us with the number of petition signatures you have?
Bob Newland said…
You mean on the "Medical Ditchweed Petition"? Not until you show some respect. Not until you answer the questions I posed; the questions you decided to quit even posting.
Anonymous said…
Bob is crying for respect. That's too bad because he hasn't earned it. Normally, druggers and criminals aren't accorded a great deal of respect. Sorry Bob.
Bob Newland said…
Really, I was referring to your (both of you) lack of respect for the suffering undergone by many people needlessly, because folks like you giggle and elbow each other, roll your eyes and wink at each other instead of acknowledging the self-evident cruelty in denying such people access to a medicine that works for them.

It's malicious and despicable and it's anathema to Republican principles. You make nonsensical statements or arguments and then refuse to respond when your gibberish is parsed. (e.g., "Why would marijuana be better for my sick mother than the morphine drip prescribed to her?", and my response to that.)
Anonymous said…
This is about your addiction, not the sick masses crying out for marijuana. Your sympathy is heartwrenching, but let's be real, your own desires/addiction is what is driving your flegling ballot initiative.
Bob Newland said…
Please tell me how I can advance my own "addiction" by standing in the sun for hours at a time asking people to sign a petition sheet.

If I were inclined to smoke pot, I would never have to buy it in Souith Dakota. People offer it to me all the time.
Bob Newland said…
And furthermore, there is no point in exchanging comments with a child molester who is too chickensh*t to post under a real name.

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