We're not trying to take over the world.. We're just trying to get along.

SD War College responds to NVC's recent post on NSU being a Party School.

I had to rebut David Newquist's assertion about there being something sinister to the GOP listing Gypsy days on their website. Aside from the fact Hobo days, courtesy of the State's on'y D1 school, is way cooler.

Read it here.


David Newquist said…
I don't think "sinister" is the word my comments suggest. And I certainly would not discourage political candidates and officers from coming to homecomings as a place to meet people. In fact, I used to be involved in urging them to come to the parade and various events. My point is that there is a considerable amount of activity in which NSU personnel are implicated and that one party appears to be setting the political climate on campus. As someone who at one time held both the campus and state presidency of the faculty union, I can state with definiteness that we were not permitted to use our identities as faculty members or any university resources in ways that could be remotely considered political. NSU's problems at this time seem to stem from the way some faculty and others present themselves, ways that go beyond the freedom to study, teach, and express oneself. In some ways, NSU has become a progaganda organ.

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