(just for fun) MAINstream Moderate T-shirt

The Anti-MAINstream Moderate Republican T-Shirt:I'm kind-of-sort-of in the t-shirt business. (and Yes, BK, I know I need to get you a war college shirt) E-mail me if you want one of these for $10. And, okay, so it's a little bit of a poke. But what do you expect?

If you need a small run custom job, that's my specialty. Just drop me a note, and I can inexpensively handle your "official blog" shirt. Perfect for the family.


Anonymous said…
Does your t-shirt machine have a spell check feature?
PP said…

If you are referring to the spelling of "lite" that's part of the beer gag.
Anonymous said…
Judgment. Not judgEment.
PP said…
I stand corrected (but only a little).

Wikipedia actually uses both spellings: A judgment or judgement, in a legal context, is synonymous with the formal decision made by a court following legal proceedings.

I'm assuming because it's a common enough mistake, it has come into use as being allowed. Or at least to the point where most people don't catch it.

I know I didn't.

But, I do acknowledge that dropping the 'e' is the proper usage.
PP said…
And I would add, at least according to this website


Webster's Dictionary also accepts it with the evil "e".

Check out the website - its worth the laugh on the Judgement v. judgment debate.
Anonymous said…
That's funny stuff.

I had no idea judgement had weaseled its way into the dictionary.

So I too, in a sense, stand corrected.

Although, if I were buying one of your shirts, I'd want it spelled without the extra 'e'.
Anonymous said…
Ooh! Ooh! Could I commission a Black Marks on Wood Pulp shirt based on the timeless Grain Belt Premium logo??

That, my friend, would be grand (especially if it was white lettering on black shirt.)
PP said…
Let me see what I can come up with. That doesn't sound too tough.

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