Letters from the field

I had a nice note from Senator Gant the other day. Once again, I'm humbled and flattered that one of our elected officials is a reader.

If you haven't noticed, I've been pretty light on posting and will continue to be for a bit. Too much going on - I'm trying to get things ready for an auction sale on the homefront, etc. and so on. I might take the day off (or at least go over on my lunch hour) to the special session next week and do some blogging on that.

Mainly, I've been tweaking my big web project for work which has consumed much of my work and free time. Teaching myself how to do a javascript menu when I'd never done one before has sucked. But I got it figured out. I'm still working out the bugs and kinks, but it's fired up and running.

Other than that, I've been a pretty boring guy.

On a fun project note, I've come up with a t-shirt taking a lighhearted poke at the MAINstream Moderates for some of my conservative friends. I'm going to try to finish it tonight, and if I do, I'll preview it here for the readers.


Anonymous said…
PP – if you make it to the special session, look me up. I think I still owe you a hacky sack.
Anonymous said…
Speaking of tshirts when are you coming to sell me one and take me up on lunch?


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