A little on the State of the SDBlogOSphere

I didn't realize that Anne Lewis of Watershed: the Blog fame was a fellow Pierre resident for some reason. I need to get out of my cave and away from the world's messiest desk more.

It's probably not going to get much play after a while, but I'll add her other blog Pierre Governor Football to the blogfeeds just for fun.

Ever since I went to High School in Pierre 20+ years ago, I've wondered about this. Why would you nickname your team "the Governors?" It kind of kills the mascot ideas. What? Is the mascot a guy in a suit and power tie? What did the Washington Senators use as a mascot? It would be about the same, wouldn't it? Any Pierre readers care to enlighten me as to the origin of the name?

I also notice that Brock over at Right-to-life has been pretty prolific with his blogging efforts since he got started a couple weeks back. Abortion is usually too hot of a topic for many of us to touch on more than occasionally, and the pro-life/pro-choice deabte is his bread and butter. Are we going to see a blog from Planned Parenthood next ? And would we see constant flame wars between the two?

I'm still having glitches with Radioactive Chief and Black Marks on Wood Pulp in my blog feeds. I thought I had the problems licked, but I guess not. As always, show them the love, and click on their links.

Otherwise, if you see a SD related Blog I'm not covering, drop me a note and I'll try to add it.


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