Candidates are a courtin’

It’s early winter and the candidates are starting to bloom. They announce, and just keep announcing that they’re running for city commission in Sioux Falls. Samantha Stormo just had an article in the DeSmet newspaper that she’s running for the open District 6 House Seat. Sioux Falls Mayor Dave Munson is holding fundraisers.

And as of last week, Jarrod Johnson is sending out letters announcing that he’s in for the School and Public Lands Race.

The letter is pretty “party oriented” so it’s written in a tone for the GOP true believers. Lots of space is given to his desire to raise the profile of the office.
But it’s a clear statement that he’s going to make it official later this winter. Which pretty much completes the GOP’s slate of candidates for this next election season.

The copy I got isn’t a very good reproduction, so I’m not going to share the logo with you at the moment. But Jarrod does provide his website address.
It’s not active yet, but I anticipate it will be in the near future. Bookmark it, watch it, and lets see what Jarrod has to say.


Anonymous said…
As a follower of state-wide politics, the School & Public Lands campaign should be interesting. I'm glad to see Jarrod enter the fray. I wonder what issues he will run on in the race?

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