Sunday Political Mentions....

State Representative Shantel Krebs got a nice bump for her business "The Red Shoe" on the front page of the Argus Leader's business section this morning. It was all for an article on the first Christmas for several local Sioux Falls businesses. (She should have had a big "VOTE FOR KREBS" banner in the background. It was a HUGE picture.)

Speaker of the House Matt Michels has a Sunday A.P. article
that is on the Aberdeen American News website. Representative Michels is suggesting that a permanent Asian Trade Mission be opened for Japan, CHina and other Pacific Rim nations to promote South Dakota Products.

I'd volunteer for that one. I'm probably better qualified than most South Dakotans. I know what Arigato and Konichiwa mean, I've seen every Godzilla movie ever made, AND I watched Bill Murray navigate Tokyo in Lost in Translation.

In the Rapid City Journal, Sam Hurst notes that tomorrow, OST tribal chair and State Democratic Party Executive board member Cecelia Fire Thunder gets her day in court. Well, in council at least. Tomorrow, Cecelia will be afforded the opportunity to confront her accusers. Read the article for the whole story.

And on Mt. Blogmore, Denise Ross interviews State Senator Stan Adelstein (who is now immortalized in South Park form on this website). I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but it's at the top of my entertainment options this evening.

Well, maybe. It just depends if Grey's Anatomy is a re-run tonight or not.


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