Fighting Fire with Fire. SDGOP might be recruiting two female GOP'rs to take on Herseth

(Hat tip to sibby) Dave Kranz's column in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader today manages to scoop the blogosphere and point out that someone is polling Representative Shantel Krebs against Stephanie Herseth:
Republicans are crossing their fingers, again. This time two of their relatively new state legislators say they will consider a bid to run against Rep. Stephanie Herseth.

District 10 Rep. Shantel Krebs is the most enthusiastic about it. She has been the subject in recent days of a head-to-head poll with Herseth. She is not sure who is behind it, but says, "I'm the only name on the poll (with Herseth) and that was significant and interesting," she said.

Would she run the race?

"I am not ruling it out. I want to get through this legislative session, and I want to make sure I get my District 10 constituents taken care of," she said. "I do plan to file for re-election."
Read it all here. It also sounds like Representative Deb Peters is also being recruited by the GOP, but throws more of a wet blanket over the idea. Actually, Shantel would most likely be a good candidate, and could get the party behind her, but it's unfortunate that we're only now getting to her on the list, and others were being looked at whom would typically consider running for Governor long before Congress.

Oddly enough, I was thinking of Representative Krebs this AM as I was watching the news - a commercial came on for Hagen Chiropractic Clinic with Representative Krebs hawking their services. That just struck me as odd, but there are lots of odd things in politics.

Coming this late in the game is not a good thing. She's going to have to ramp up efforts quickly, but if she chooses to pull the trigger, she's one of the few candidates who could capture the imagination of the GOP.

In case she decides to pass on the race, hopefully, her consideration is not the party's last gasp in the hunt for a candidate. Curiously, all this is coming out less than a week after the gauntlet was thrown down by the SDWC on February 5th, where I demanded to know who our candidate was. Coincidence? who knows.

We'll allow a little time to see if the Peters or Krebs seeds of candidacy take root. Because otherwise, it looks like a barren Republican Congressional field this year.


Anonymous said…
Great news! Thanks PP for your efforts.
Anonymous said…
Great news? She won't crack 42%, come on, a women can be a "suit" too. If she was 30 years older I'd say you found another Char Haar. Thanks for what? I'm talking about Krebs not Peters now, Peters at least has some substance to match Herseth. Is gravitas a concern in a house race, because if so, the shoe store owner would be in deep, look at my pretty smile, trouble.
PP said…
See my post above this one - as of about 20 minues ago, this became old news.

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