Beeep Beeep. My BS Alarm is ringing. Loudly.

And the abortion rhetoric starts. That’s the downside of any legislation on the issue, whether it’s from a pro-choice or pro-life standpoint. It brings out the passions on both sides. And it brings out the slingers of BS.

It appears there is a brand new BS slinger throwing the muck in today’s Rapid City Journal. In the paper, there was a letter to the editor from a Marsha Mittman of Spearfish. As you will see, she’s saying with the passage of the SD Abortion ban, an effort to employ hundreds of people in a “think tank” operation in the Black Hills just went down the tubes.

A tourism ban isn't the only repercussion to South Dakota's punitive abortion measures. For the past eight months I have been working "behind the scenes" to locate a major "think tank" organization here in the Black Hills.

We were one of three U.S. sites being considered and actually had an edge due to the available employment pool graduating from the School of Mines. This organization would have brought hundreds of jobs, economic benefits and worldwide recognition to the Black Hills and would have become a major tourist destination for programs offered to the public.

We have just been out and out flatly dropped, citing our "extreme political views and archaic treatment of women."

The Next Foundation, Inc.
Funny, I don’t recall hearing about anything of this nature. I don’t recall hearing about any announcement from GOED about the courting of a group like this. Hundreds of jobs? Using the School of Mines as a feeder for this effort? It was clearly on par with the Homestake project, but lil’ ol Marsha Mittman was going to bring this one home to South Dakota by her lonesome.

Riiiiiight…. And I have a bridge to sell you. And the B.S. alarm just went to critical.

What can I tell you about this master of Economic Development? Well, first off, there wouldn’t appear to be anything that has been filed with the Secretary of State’s office on “The Next Foundation, Inc.” Nothing. Despite the fact that there are statutory requirements that mandate it:
47-24-6. Report required of domestic corporation--Content--Forms--Execution. Any domestic nonprofit corporation authorized to engage in business in this state shall file, within the time prescribed by §§ 47-24-7 to 47-24-9, inclusive, a report setting forth:

(1) The name of the corporation;

(2) The street address, or a statement that there is no street address, of the registered office of the corporation in this state and the name of its registered agent at such address;

(3) A brief statement of the nature of the affairs which the corporation is conducting;

(4) The amount of property which the corporation may hold and the amount of property held; and

(5) The names and respective addresses of the directors and officers of the corporation.

The report shall be made on forms prescribed and furnished by the secretary of state and the information therein contained shall be given as of the date of the execution of the report. It shall be executed for the corporation by the chair of the board of directors, by its president, or by another of its officers. If the corporation is in the hands of a receiver, trustee, or other court-appointed fiduciary, the report shall be executed on behalf of the corporation by that fiduciary.
So, by all appearances, it looks like The Next Foundation, Inc., is an unregistered corporation doing business in South Dakota. What else can we find out about them? Well, let’s just check the newspapers. From the Lawrence County Journal:
Meditation programs will be offered

The Next Foundation will offer two different meditation programs this winter in Spearfish and Rapid City, according to a news release from the foundation.
“Who and What is the Real You?” is the subject of a half-day workshop scheduled for today, Feb. 11, from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Spearfish.

The program, followed by meditation, asks participants to consider what and how they think; whether they think independently or parrot others. The effects of personal history and one’s environment, and ways to alter negative thinking to affect positive change will also be discussed, as well as the difference between the mind, brain and intellect.

The program will be held at Hudson Hall. Cost is $10 person, adults only.

The second program will be Sunday, March 5, from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the board room of the Rapid City holiday Inn, 505 N. 5th St.

“Meditation for Health, Stress Relief and Awareness” will cover “the hows and whys” of meditation, its benefits, and differing methods and aids for practice.

Various types of meditation will be introduced. All levels are welcome, including children 14 and older. Cost is $10 per person.

Both programs will be presented by Marsha Mittman, an author who lectures in various states, has visited more than 85 countries on six continents, and studied with “masters” of differing faiths and belief systems. All material is unaffiliated with any specific religion, organization or dogma.
Well, she’s taking $10 a pop, so it would appear that she’s “doing business in South Dakota.”

And meditation programs? Am I missing something here? Pardon me for playing the devil’s advocate, but where is her expertise in pulling together a major "think tank" organization here in the Black Hills. To me, "think tank" in the traditional sense would typically mean a research organization or foundation.

I’m thinking that the only think tank that could be accomplished here is a bunch of people meditating in fishbowl-like sensory deprivation units. A few cattle tanks, some epsom salts dissolved in water, some black plastic for a cover. Voila' - a tank for thinking.

As if this wasn't enough, I went on to see if I could substantiate her claim about being an author. Nothing. And a similar search on Google Book also turned up zip.

Not to mention her claim of being widely traveled in 85 countries on six continents, and studying with “masters” of differing faiths and belief systems? I'd say "Show me the passport with all those little stamps, and then I'll believe it."

Now, here's where it gets a little too new-agey for me. What scarce references I did find for Marsha on the internet were postings to various websites such as ippn · International Peace Psychologist, and one on crop circles and a global meditation project.

So, my response to this letter? Regardless of your position on the abortion issue, I'm seeing rhetoric that's not worthy of a twelve year old. In fact, I've got daughters younger than that who can make up a better story. Without evidence to the contrary, it is clearly a premise built on puffery lacking even the substance of cotton candy.

It's less than honorable, and it's disingenuous.

It's one thing to say "I disagree." That's what our country is about. But to offer an outlandish tale in support of your position? That's just crap.

Our state has been rejected by "your group" because of a legislative decision? Good riddance.

And Marsha, you should follow them. But don't let the door hit you in the rear-end on the way out.


Anonymous said…
HAHAHA - wow, you just made my day
Anonymous said…
Let's meditate on this one for a minute. . ... calm down there PP. OHMMMMMMMM ... OHMMMMMMMMMM ... OHMMMMMMMMM.okay, now everybody feel better? good.

Pretty soon, ol' Spearfish will be the "West Coast" of SD. Heehee - liberals in ranch country? And I used to be teased because I am East River.

Good call PP! This is War College - good to be reminded that this is how to fight.
Anonymous said…
Is anyone going to write a letter to the editor in the RCJ as rebuttal to her claim? I just ask this because many people are not "meditators or seekers of truth" and will accept her garbage as truth. Maybe this is something the RCJ should do itself.
Anonymous said…
If her alleged group is that anti-life, why would we want them in SD anyway? What does the SDSM&T have to do with meditation and new=age thought anyway? Nothing, I hope.
Douglas said…
PP is not the only one who had a BS sensor going off. I didn't have time to do any digging however.

It does seem to me that one had enough assertions of fact that it should have been caught by editors, of course, they also print Ron Schmidt's lunacy too and almost everyday have something between a half dozen and a dozen letters from the far right loon section of the GOP.

But if you want to see somebody REALLY making money off politics, check my blog for information on Leslee Unruh. Almost looks like the legislature was granting a profitable franchise in her direction.

But, good digging PP. Keep it up.

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