Are there any Democrats involved in Heidepreim's campaign?

I'm noticing at the bottom of this ad that Scott Abdallah is Heidepreim's treasurer. And former Minnehaha County GOP Chair Dick Gregorson is his campaign chairman. Are there any Democrats supporting him, since he's their candidate?

At the very least, I hope the elephants have a long memory on who is lining up behind him.

Heidepreim is hitting the bricks and appears visible to people as far away as Pierre. At this point, we're less than 60 days out. It's time for campaigns to kick into gear. Up to this point, I haven't seen much from the incumbent he's challenging, Dick Kelly. (If someone has an update on that, let me know.)

Referring back to this ad, at first blush it looks like it could be a little wordy, but I have to admit it drew me in and got me to read it. It tries to paint Heidepreim as a regular dad, instead of a trial lawyer who vacations in the Hamptons with USD President Jim Abbott... (sorry, I'm feeling partisan tonight.)

At this point, Heidepreim is advertising, and we're left looking for Dick in this race.

I do note that Scott's arms aren't folded anymore. (Do you think someone down in SF might be reading me?)


Anonymous said…
Let's be fair - Heidepreim and Abbott vacation at Nantucket.
Anonymous said…
His sleeves are still rolled up. Still working hard-good to know.
Anonymous said…
Are there Democrats helping Heidepriem???? YES--the whole Daschle-Hildebrand group is slobbering all over this election and helping Heideprem. They never stop talking about it when they should also be helping people like Mary Giebink!
Anonymous said…
I received a telephone message recorded by Dick Kelly's granddaughter early this week.
Anonymous said…
Looks like Dick Kelly's yard signs finally started to go up.
Anonymous said…
PEOPLE: do you know that Heidepriem was Mr. Republican a few years ago and ran in the GOP primary for Congress in 1986!! He got beat and has NEVER gotten over it. It's the longest grudge in South Dakota politics (besides all of Janklow's grudges) and caused him to leave the Republican Party and try his chances as a Democrat, where there isnt much competition.
Anonymous said…
Heidepriem's wife is already doing measurements for curtains in the governor's mansion in Pierre. Heidepriem doesn't care about being a state legislator---this is all about a future race for Governor or Senate. The liberals like to jump up and down and force Mike to say he's not going to run for Senate in 2008 (which is going to do) but they won't ask Heidepriem if he will RULE OUT running for higher office in the future.
Anonymous said…
That guy has one of the biggest foreheads I have ever seen.

Have we ever had a Gov with such an impressivley receding hairline.

WE need a gov with alot of hair.

Anonymous said…
It's no secret what the Democratic ticket for governor will be in 2010--Scott Heidepriem for Gov and Nancy Turbak for Lt. Gov. It's the obvious choice! Bring justice to Pierre!
Anonymous said…
Some of you poli-gluttons get it. Others obviously don't. Party hacks get all worked up about who's who in what party, but if you talk to the electorate, parties matter little in local and to some degree even state politics anymore. For that matter, less than 25% care nationally. The characteristics that formerly defined parties have eroded. Whatever happened to small government "leave me alone" RePubs? More intrusive AND EXPENSIVE than ever. Whatever happened to sepration of church and state, Pubs? GET OUT OF MY FACE! That's what motivates committed policy wonks like Heidepriem to go "progressive". He's right.
Anonymous said…
Refresh my memory. Where can I find the "separation of church and state" clause in the Constitution?

Oh, and since that wasn't on-topic, I agree with 7:57. I like it when the rich, uppity snobbish types try to make themselves appear more "blue collar."
Anonymous said…
I received a telephone message recorded by Dick Kelly's granddaughter early this week.

Grandkids and puppies. Dick Kelly's a real no-nonsense lawmaker...
Anonymous said…
Heidepriem ran as a conservative Reagan Republican for Congress in 1986...the party is still basically the party of Reagan. It didn't change, he just couldn't win in it so he switched teams to try on the Democrat uniform. I'll take Dick Kelley's puppies and generally nice-guy Republicanism over shameless flip-flopping do/say-whatever-to-win Heidepriem.
Anonymous said…
you GOPers worry too much---remember, this guy couldn't beat Ron Volesky and Dale Bell! HA HA
Anonymous said…
cuzptisn't Mrs. Heideprem the one who did the advertising about how she was outraged as a good Republican that people would criticize Tom Daschle!?
Anonymous said…
"get back to work" doing what? raising cell phone taxes and hiring more state employees? I'm glad they're discussing abortion because then the legislator's aren't thinking they have to look like they are doing something by passed stupid economic laws
Anonymous said…
Another high quality piece of campaign literature from Heidepriem.

He's knocked on a few thousand doors already. How many doors has Dick Kelly knocked on? Zero, you say?

If Dick Kelly thinks he can rest on the Republican voter edge in District 13, he's in big trouble. This is the political fight of his life.

That miniature dog sitting in the dandruff on Kelly's shoulder can't help him. Heidepriem is the big dog!
Anonymous said…
Heidepriem-Kelly is obviously the most interesting state legislative race of the year. Kelly has some name id, but he doesn't really have many ground forces or the energy of Heidepriem. For Heidepriem, this is a must-win race, but for Kelly it's something of a bother. I assume Heidepriem will win, go to Pierre with a few additional Democrats, but not enough to make a big difference in Pierre. But Heidepriem is beloved by the Daschle forces and Steve Hildebrand and a few hold-overs from the days when Heidepriem was a "Republican," i.e. pretending to be Republican so he could get elected. Heideprem is a millionaire trial lawyer so he's got lots of dinero to fund a big race for Senate or Governor. His dream is to be a Senator, but his friend Tim Johnson has been keeping his seat warm for Stephanie. Heideprem would be bored in Pierre, so he's looking at the Senate and that means a race against Thune. Which is why the Thune people are complete idiots for not helping Kelly, but they are nowhere to be found. Rounds is somewhat helpful, but he's focused on his own race. That's the way it is people, you heard here first. It will be Thune-Heidepriem senate race in 2010, also known as the revenge-of-Tom-Daschle-race. Unless Kelly wins this race, in which case it will be Thune-Volesky in 2010.
Anonymous said…
I wonder about the Earley-Jerstad race in District 12, as well. If Bill Earley is actually running a race, I sure wouldn't know it. Jerstad is seemingly everywhere, her signs are up all over the district and all over 41st, Minnesota, Kiwanis, etc. I used to walk precincts in 12 for candidates, so I know it fairly well - and I can say that I walk by houses with Jerstad supporters who have never voted Democrat in their lives.

I don't understand Earley's strategy.
Anonymous said…
Are there any republicans involved in Kelly's campaign
Anonymous said…
Kelly's got major problems. He doesn't do anything. Not a damn thing. He coattails the party line, sucks up to the right-wing wackos (abstinance only? gimme a break!) and even supported the cell phone double- tax. La-la land.
Anonymous said…
The major problem I have with Scott is that he preaches and lectures about the dysfunction in Pierre and talks about getting back to work...while his firm is in the midst of suing the citizens of this state. He talks about any number of new programs...while knowing that these programs can only be implemented through tax increases (and a look at an income tax).

As a district 13 voter, I can't afford Scott Heidepriem as my Senator.
Anonymous said…
There was a mailer early from Dick Kelly. I think it must have gone to the full district.

The thing that's funny about this race is that Dick's letter pointed to accomplishments on all of the issues that Heidepriem says the legislature has been silent on (schools, safety, etc)

Heidepriem can talk about things not getting done, but almost everything he talks about has already been accomplished with Dick as a sponsor.
Anonymous said…
Where in District 13 does Dick Kelly want to put the nuclear power plant that he's such a big supporter of? Will that go by McKennan Park or Avera-McKennan Hospital? Or maybe by Lincoln High School?

Leif Erickson Camp has a lot of open space by the river. That's probably the best place in 13 for "Nuclear Dick"'s new power plant.
Anonymous said…
P.S. Go Nuclear Dick! Really. Go.
Anonymous said…
is this Hiedepriem the same guy who would go on KELO-Land's news show and talk about how conservative he was and crazy the Democrats were?? seriously, i remember these, which were on not very long ago
Anonymous said…
He was. He can beat Kelly but the idea that he has a state wide future is silly. He'll have switched positions more by then than the average porn star.
Anonymous said…
I would be interested to know if Heidepriem's wife is still a Rep. I still remember her on TV seeking the vote for Tom as a "loyal" Rep.
Anonymous said…
She is still a Republican, yes.
Anonymous said…
"Heidepriem can talk about things not getting done, but almost everything he talks about has already been accomplished with Dick as a sponsor"

What?.?.?.?. I can't find one thing that Kelly is taking credit for that he took the lead on.
Anonymous said…
Unless she has changed registration in the last two weeks, Susan is a registered democrat as well now (according to the state voter file.)
Anonymous said…
Let's lay it out as it is! Heidepreim is "Trial Lawyer", that means say or do anything to win a case. To bad he has taken so many republicans to court and pissed them off that he now has to change teams..............hhhhhmmmmmmmm a lot like being in the courtroom....
My advise stick to the courts, we do not need another "talk-outta-both sides of the face" politician!

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