More Roadsigns along highway 14

I took a day off because of a child's Dr. appointment (and a list of Brookings chores that is two weeks old since I was working the Vietnam Dedication last weekend), and despite the miserable weather, I managed to get a few pictures of signs along the way:

Outside of Arlington this is the only 4x8 for Amendment D I've seen.

Sorry for the fogginess of this photo, it was raining cats and dogs, and I also picked up a reflection from the junk on my dashboard. But Bruce is getting these put up along the highway. I see far more of these than any Herseth signs, which are limited to a few yard signs I've seen in Brookings so far.

John Koskan is also another one starting to get his signs up. I saw several along the route at the same time I only saw two for Steve Kolbeck.

And I'll complain again. Why do people think this is advantageous? Putting three signs together only makes them tough to read when you're going 70.... Er, sorry... When you're going 65 Miles per hour. You literally only have a second or two to make an impression. Why muddle it up?

Spread the darn things out across the edge of the field. Trust me on this one.


Anonymous said…
If there is space to spread them out, it is fine to do so. Sometimes there isn't, and you don't want the signs in the way of fall field work. You are correct that you cannot read them all when driving 65 or . . . 70.

However, do you actually read every sign each and every time you go by one? I don't. I read a sign the first time and after that just note "oh, there's another one" or "there's more support for him/her".

You don't have to read the sign every time. The sign in a group like that tells me the landowner likes all three.

If more signs, it means anyone can put one up.
Anonymous said…
PP, enough with the signs already!
Anonymous said…
I read the sign and they do send thoughts about how I feel about each canidate/issue each time I see them. Also I have enjoyed seeing the pictures you have posted. Forget the advice from 4:59
Anonymous said…
In Deuel County there are several large Herseth signs up, but I haven't seen a Whalen yet.

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