Quotes of the week II

"The Democratic Plan will increase funding beyond these percentages, bringing State Funding into compliance with the Adequacy Study, but we are working with the Republicans to ensure that, above all other considerations, the funding increase chosen will be consistent so that school administrators can plug these funds into funding teacher salaries and critical need education programs."
- Dave Gassman State Capitol Update, Madison Newspaper 2/6/07

"The Democratic Plan will increase funding beyond these percentages, bringing State Funding into compliance with the Adequacy Study, but we are working with the Republicans to ensure that, above all other considerations, the funding increase chosen will be consistent so that school administrators can plug these funds into funding teacher salaries and critical need education programs."
- Legislative Update by Representative Jim Bradford, Philip Newspaper 2/8/07

"The Democratic Plan will increase funding beyond these percentages, bringing State Funding into compliance with the Adequacy Study, but we are working with the Republicans to ensure that, above all other considerations, the funding increase chosen will be consistent so that school administrators can plug these funds into funding teacher salaries and critical need education programs."
- Legislative Report by Senator Julie Bartling, Winner Newspaper 2/7/07

"The Democratic Plan will increase funding beyond these percentages, bringing State Funding into compliance with the Adequacy Study, but we are working with the Republicans to ensure that, above all other considerations, the funding increase chosen will be consistent so that school administrators can plug these funds into funding teacher salaries and critical need education programs."
- News from the South Dakota House of Representatives by Quintin Burg and Dale Hargens, Wessington Springs Newspaper 2/6/07


"Democrats in the Legislature have been crafting some very important legislation that will have an impact on the ethics and openness of our state government..."
- Dave Gassman State Capitol Update, Madison Newspaper 2/6/07

"Democrats in the Legislature have been crafting some very important legislation that will have an impact on the ethics and openness of our state government..."
- Legislative Update by Representative Jim Bradford, Philip Newspaper 2/8/07

"Democrats in the Legislature have been crafting some very important legislation that will have an impact on the ethics and openness of our state government..."
- Legislative Report by Senator Julie Bartling, Winner Newspaper 2/7/07

"Democrats in the Legislature have been crafting some very important legislation that will have an impact on the ethics and openness of our state government..."
- News from the South Dakota House of Representatives by Quintin Burg and Dale Hargens, Wessington Springs Newspaper 2/6/07


I'll stop there. I think my point is made. The Democratic Legislators better re-write their canned legislative reports a little better.

It reminds me why Pierre stopped printing them in the 1980's. Two legislator's columns were on top of another. And they were printed in the paper exactly the same, down to the letter. (and there were a couple of Republican Interns on the you-know-what list).

It's just like Deja Vu all over again.
-Yogi Berra


Anonymous said…
Message discipline to new levels.
Anonymous said…
Didn't all the Democrat Senators vote to censure Sutton? Seems like at least one or more would have seen it Dave Knudson's way.

I'd say they are a bunch of sheep headed over the cliff...
Anonymous said…
I think the dems are just sticking to message.
Anonymous said…
Looks to me that the dems are trying to keep away from the muddled up BS that usually comes out of Pierre this time of the year.
Anonymous said…
No, it looks more like they are full of muddled bs, if they can't even write an original story.
Anonymous said…
Well its not a big deal. But the Dems should probably tell their interns to change the wording around on those columns.
Anonymous said…
PP- we want to know, were you one of the interns on the "list."
Anonymous said…
You should not draw conclusions, each of those Dems could have written that on their own. It just looks like they copied the ring leader.
Anonymous said…
Looks like they are taking a page from Karl Rove's playbook. If you say the same thing enough times no matter if it's true people will believe you. Obstructionist, un-American, yada, yada. Oh wait, that obstructionist thing might come back to bite them in the butt in D.C.
Anonymous said…
Maybe it means the Dems are on the same page...or maybe they are in the sixth grade and its partner writing class
Anonymous said…
Sixth grade jokes are funny, but at least they know something about education.
Anonymous said…
Senator Kloucek Pursues Ridgefield Investigation!
News release: Not for immediate release: Embargoed until 10 am Feb 10th 2007 call 583-4468 email fkloucek@hotmail.com

Senator Frank Kloucek announced today that he and a Ridgefield investor met with Attorney General Larry Long on Feb 7th and presented documentation to help convince Long to do a complete and thorough investigation into the Ridgefield Farms fiasco. “Information and valuable contact information were presented to the attorney general that should convince him that there is a need for a full and transparent investigation of Ridgefield Farms.” said Kloucek
So far the state has written off on 7-11 06 $459,025 dollars to Ridgefield Farms of South Dakota. Also the South Dakota Corn Utilization Council has written off $100,000 to the same entity. Flandreau economic development board has outstanding loan balances to Ridgefield of $100,000 for operations and $750,000 for purchase of livestock, none of which has been paid back.
The South Dakota Corn Utilization Council also has written off $89,088.64 owed from Dairy Development LLC a part of SD. Ag Producer Ventures. The Corn Council has given money to groups such as AG United as well. I have requested an attorney generals opinion on the use of Corn Utilization Council funds given to three entities Ridgefield Farms, Ag Producer Ventures and Ag United? The question is: Was SDCL 38-32-13 violated by the Corn Utilization Council by giving money to these entities?
There will be a meeting of concerned Ridgefield investors on Feb 24th at 10 am at the Beadle County Extension office in Huron to discuss the future of Ridgefield.
“Whether there were any irregularities or not in the whole Ridgefield project, the benchmark or standard must be raised. We must ensure that proper steps were taken in the past and will be taken in the future to protect our state tax dollars, corporations, cooperatives and private investors so that something of this magnitude can not happen again!” concluded Senator Kloucek.
- 30-
Anonymous said…
Now that was original and from a democrat no less!
Anonymous said…
Way to go, Senator Kloucek! Shouldn't things like this be bonded or something where poeple can get their money back if it flops?
Anonymous said…
I hear that PP is closer to Kloucek than Sutton or Weise.

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