
If you're noticing the bar at the top, it's because I've upgraded to the new blogger software. I'll be trying to work the bugs out, so please bear with me. The initial transfer went well, so I've got my fingers crossed.


Anonymous said…
Who is the dude two spots to the right of Turbak? Anyone know? He looks familiar.
PP said…
That would be our new PUC commissioner, Steve Kolbeck.
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah. I voted for him.
Anonymous said…
The pictures are pretty much East River types, right? The only ones I recognize are West Riverites Hanks and Schmidt(?). I would probably know the names of the others but not their faces. How about more from our side of the state? :-)
Anonymous said…
Senator Nancy Turbak is third to the left of Hundstad. She is a real looker, smart too.
Anonymous said…
She may be smart, but not a real looker. At least not anymore. She looks older in person, wrinkled in part by the lifestyles she's chosen.
Anonymous said…
Hanks is there ,but not Schmidt. The other westerners are Kim Vanneman, next to the teddy bears and Brian Dryer, next to Kristi Noem and young Novstrup.
Anonymous said…
The older guy with the glasses is Gary "Beef' Jerke from Tripp.
Anonymous said…
Thanks but I am still confused. Could somebody please just identify everybody, left to right starting after the T-shirt ad?
Anonymous said…
Nygaard,Peters,Ahlers,Hanks,Turbak,Kolbeck,Hundstad,Wetz,Vanneman,Jerke,Novstrup,Dreyer,Noem(best for last)!
Anonymous said…
Nygaard,Peters,Ahlers,Hanks,Turbak,Kolbeck,Hundstad,Wetz,Vanneman, Jerke,Novstrup,Dreyer,Noem.

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