Did anyone hear if Herseth's Wedding was crashed?

Check out this story at the Washington Post Blog:

Karl Rove, Wedding Crasher?

It should be the happiest, most care-free day of her life. But we can't help but wonder if Rep. Stephanie Herseth (D-S.D.) will be nervously looking over her shoulder Saturday for White House counsellor Karl Rove when she's scheduled to walk down the aisle.......

Read it all here.

And if anyone got photos of the event, let me know. I'd even post them. It was a dreary weekend at the Home of the SDSU Jacks, but I hope everything went off without a hitch.

I did catch a Herseth sighting myself last week when I was in Brookings. She was coming out of HyVee with Starbucks in her hand as I was leaving with a load of my own groceries.


Anonymous said…
This so called hit list. So what like the Dems don't have one. She should be on the list.
Yea PP, it was a crappy day around Brookings rained like you would not believe. Does the large amount of rain mean something about their marriage???
Just kidding.
Did she lighten her hair again?
Anonymous said…
I heard she got a burqa for her wedding.
Anonymous said…
That article is hilarious. Sounds really panicked at the Herseth camp. She doesn't need to worry about MC Rove, she's doing just a fine job sabotaging her reelection all by herself.
Douglas said…
Anybody have a photo of the Bush operatives in the government building with the powerpoint presentation putting Stephanie on the top 20 hit list? Nice to have one two of the bureaucrat who wondered if it was possible for her agency to do something to help defeat anybody?

I'd publish them and a picture of Rove too if one is available.
Anonymous said…
Obviously, no one here has ever seen a fundraising solicitation...

It's got to be hard for her to rally her donors after destroying the GOP nominee in the last election, and being able to throw some red meat (like the words "Karl" and "Rove") to the donors is probably a pretty good way to get some last minute donations in the door before the filing deadline.

Nothing fires up the Democratic base like the words "Karl Rove"
Anonymous said…

The Powerpoint can be found on the House Oversight Committee's website, here: http://oversight.house.gov/Documents/20070328151840-07177.pdf

Not sure if they have any photos of the meeting...
Anonymous said…
They had a Herseth wedding picture in the local paper today. But the paper made an error, instead of the wedding photo they put a picture of the bride and her father.
Anonymous said…
Herr Karl Rove would never do such a thing while more important matters require his attention in Berlin.
Anonymous said…
8:08 That was her husband, he is old enough to be her Daddy.
Anonymous said…
So now our congressman is a trophy wife?

I'm sure the step kids are looking forward to Mother's Day.
Anonymous said…
Heard she made the stepkids sit in the back. Guess she didn't have time to ask Dr. Phil's advice on how to blend- but then again, I heard her father and mother and their respective spouses didn't mingle well at the wedding either. Sounds like a marriage made in Washington.

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