Rapid City Journal: Schumacher quits race.

After causing a huge amount of controversy in the Rapid City Mayoral race over switching from the Sam Kooiker team to the Mayor Shaw team (after a financial arrangement with Rapid City businessman Doug Hamilton was made) Rapid City councilman Mike Schumacher announced today that he's withdrawing from the race as reported by the Rapid City Journal's website:
Alderman Michael Schumacher will not seek re-election to the Rapid City Council this June, citing a desire to spend more time with his family. "I know people are going to read this and say, 'Oh, it’s the cliche ‘family reasons.’ But that’s really what it is," Schumacher said. "I don’t think people truly understand how much time and effort is involved. As a part-time council person with a full-time job, it is hard to juggle everything."

Schumacher said he made the decision recently but that it has little to do with the controversy about being offered money to consult for Mayor Jim Shaw’s re-election campaign.


Three people - Brian O’Connor, John Witcraft and Ron Weifenbach - have filed nominating petitions in Ward 1 for the June 5 election.
Read the whole article here. And for a seat which had been considered safe (and likely uncontested) now facing three challengers didn't have anything to do with it either.

This tale is getting more and more interesting all the time. There's got to be a Shakespearean theme in here somewhere.


Anonymous said…
"I know people are going to read this and say, 'Oh, it’s the cliche ‘family reasons.’ But that’s really what it is,"

Mike is carrying the cliche to a new, more existential level - ADMITTING that it is a lame transparent excuse and still using it when it is laughably false.
Anonymous said…
So, what happened with the Hamilton deal? Sounds like Mike is left holding the bag and it's empty.
Anonymous said…
12:28 -- You have no idea about his family. He is from the east side of the state and all of his family is back there. Of course time would be an issue, especially if a family member is having real health issues. Remember, cliches become such because they are overused, but that doesn't mean they aren't true.
Anonymous said…
Does the Hamilton money turn into hush money now that Shaw says he won't accept any help from Schumacher? Or does he have to give it back?
Anonymous said…
Maybe he really has family issues. But this is exactly the sort of situation where someone drops out for "family reasons." And the fact that he acknowledges that it is the classic cliche excuse doesn't change the fact that it is the classic cliche excuse.
Anonymous said…
If it truly is for family reasons, what should he have said? This is a case where those who have issue with him will find fault in what he says, whether it is logical or not. He acknowledged how it sounded, but it doesn't necessarily make it less applicable. I also don't believe the article relayed the whole situation with his sister-in-law and the timing. I believe it was pretty recent.
Anonymous said…
who cares what the reason was??????good ridance!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Riddance is spelled with TWO Ds, you ignominious oaf. Yes, he should be crestfallen at the very thought of you dismissing him so easily.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Wouldn't there be 3 Bs?
Anonymous said…
Don't these guys have better things to do than trash somebody that's not even running? Is the green-eyed monster rearing it's ugly head? Sounds like the poor speller has a personal problem.
Anonymous said…
too bad Shaw didn't quit the race.
Anonymous said…
This is an example of how the untrustworthy eventually destroy themselves. No loyalty, no class and no friends--he "Schumachered himself".
Anonymous said…
Apparently when Shaw was spanking Schumacher and asking him "Who's your daddy?!?!", Schumacher took it literally. He wants to spend more time working for Daddy Shaw.
Anonymous said…
12:02 a.m.: You haven't figured it out yet, have you?
Anonymous said…
Way to go 7:09: You're right, I think. anon 2:02 must be out of the loop now and wants desperately to get back in.

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