SDGOP Chairman: Herseth shows her true colors

In an editorial in the Yankton Daily, newly minted SDGOP State Chairman Karl Adam hits hard at Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth over her lack of support for the troops overseas in favor of following Speaker Pelosi:
The war in Iraq is a difficult situation. Too many of our young men and women have died and the sacrifice of many others has been great. Families have been separated from loved ones for a year at a time or longer. Brave soldiers who have been on the front-lines fighting the terrorists slinking around the countryside have sustained serious and life-threatening injuries. Each and every American has been affected by this war and each of us hopes and prays for its speedy and safe conclusion.

What Mrs. Herseth Sandlin has lent her voice to though, while calling for a quick end to the conflict, certainly is not a safe option for our troops, the Iraqi people or America which is in the crosshairs of merciless terrorists.

Handing the schedule of when our soldiers will be retreating to our enemies completely undermines all that has been done in Iraq. It's just common sense that says you don't give military secrets to the enemy, yet Mrs. Herseth Sandlin and the Democrats seem happy and eager to do that.
Read the whole guest editorial here in the Yankton newspaper.


Anonymous said…
Apparently Karl Rove Adam is just another lackey for the Dick Cheney war dogs. Woof woof.

Maybe Karl Rove Adam should consult with his hero Senator Larry Pressler, a Vietnam veteran, about why America is slaughtering its young in a war that was created by a trail of lies.
Anonymous said…
This guy's obviously not very bright, is he.
Anonymous said…
Hits hard? I'd call it a swing and a miss, PP. It's no secret we're going to have to leave Iraq. But if you want to talk about giving secrets to the enemy, how about W, Cheney, Rove and Scooter telling people who our spies are?
Anonymous said…
Oh...I forgot... and Robert Novak.
Anonymous said…
What will be the legacy of W, Cheney, Rove, Rice, Rummie when their administration wraps up?

The American people will sure be glad when it's over.
Anonymous said…
When is Karl Rove Adam going to announce the candidacy of cousin Mark Mickelson for Governor?
Anonymous said…
10:50 -- Don't forget to mention the spy's husband telling everyone who are spies are. Oops, are we not supposed to criticize those who were truly the villains here? I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was a bash Bush, etc. party. My bad.
Anonymous said…
Setting a timetable is ridiculous, and the lefty lovers on this site refuse to admit it. They have taken a war and turned it into an election. We now have an end date. 383 Days to go. Send us your money for the Final Four Months of the Campaign. Let's implement a 48-Hour Plan. It is shameful that SHS would vote this way, she seems smarter than this.
Anonymous said…
Another lie.

The person who issued the White House memo suggesting that politics built around the excuse of 9/11 would win elections for a long, long time was Karl Rove. He did this BEFORE the invasion.

Republican Party strategists designed this war, they are conducting it, they are using it to divide our nation and, now that it has backfired, they are going to pay a heavy price for their hoax.
Anonymous said…
Missing from the Bush administration's Iraq policy is accountability and responsibility.

NO demand that the Iraqi government take responsibility for its own security - after 4 years of training their security forces. Just open-ended offer to stay there forever until they decide to step up to the plate.

NO accountability to the American taxpayer - keep shipping all of our taxes to Iraq indefinitely. NO demand that Iraq pay its own way with oil revenues or that our allies pay a fair share.

NO accountability to our servicemen and their families - we'll just keep you over there forever instead of demanding that Iraq step up for its own security, and instead of demanding that our allies pony up with troops. Wave goodbye to the Brits as they leave like the Italians, Swedes, Spanish, Australians, everybody else.

NO accountability to our wounded veterans. The administration has always opposed mandatory VA funding. If you get wounded, we'll send you to deteriorating facilities that are underfunded, and give you and your families the runaround.

The Bush administration should have given the Iraqi government tough love a long time ago. It's time to shape up Iraqi government because we're about done rewarding laziness and irresponsibility with American lives and taxpayer dollars.

The Democratic plan gives full support to the troops, but also demands that the Iraqi government get its arse in gear within 1 year. Shouldn't Bush and the former Republican congress have done the same thing a year ago? If they had, it might still be a Republican Congress.
Anonymous said…

While you administration loyalists publicly attack Democrats and reasonable Republicans, you do your grumbling and handwringing in private. You know that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and Rove have failed the test of leadership.

Between bad decisions and indecision, they lost our allies. They lost the Republican majority in Congress. They have damaged the Republican Party for years to come. And there is no end in sight.
Anonymous said…
Good editorial. Herseth-sandal has shown her true color and it's red. Will she take time off her honeymoon to accompany Nancy Pulloutsi on her colab. junket to Syria??

Will some one tell dippity doog and scrotumtar that Rummy left the administration some time ago. It's Gates now....
Anonymous said…
And that makes all the difference? Cheney/Bush is still running the show and Karl Rove is still the puppetteer. Giving Rummy the boot changes nothing, except to pretend the mission is being accomplished.

Whoops. I thought mission was accomplished. Still no? Not yet? Maybe next year? Two years? Fifteen years?

As mama told Forrest Gump, "can't fix stupid." You ought to know, Anon 11:37.
Douglas said…
And Rumsfeld still has an office in the Pentagon even if Gates is running the front desk.
Anonymous said…
I'm not faulting Gates yet. He seems to be a reasonable guy, who believes as I do that the Iraqi government needs to take some responsibility. Problem is, the President isn't listening to his new Defense Secretary in this regard.
Anonymous said…
I do have to say to the poster who commented that Bush and company outed a "spy": talk like that shows your true colors about how little facts matter. Armitage (not Rove, Cheney, or some other Republican bogeyman) leaked the name and admitted as such. Never mind that Plame was not a "spy" in any sense - legally or otherwise. Her publicity grubbing husband was lying through his teeth throughout the entire ordeal and you have the gaul to call out the Republicans in that case?
Anonymous said…
Mrs. Sandlin was wrong. Dead wrong.
Anonymous said…
Bush is wrong. Dead wrong.
Anonymous said…
Good one, 12:30. Where'd ya come up with that?

Anonymous said…
Bush. Like a rock. Only dumber.

They call him "W" so he can spell it.
Anonymous said…
2:50 back at you tampon.

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