Dave Kranz: Who cares if we have an election in 2008 - it's all about the Gov

Dave Kranz is writing in his Argus Leader column today that despite all the recent chatter on the US Senate and Congressional Race (which he kind of got going with one of his last columns), more people are paying attention to those that are running for the 2010 Gubernatorial contest:
Even though some believe the Republican gubernatorial race will add up to a herd of candidates, political handicappers say it won't be as many as once thought.

Most often heard in the speculation of "definite" candidates is Daugaard, state Sen. Dave Knudson, former House Speaker Matt Michels and former state Sen. Lee Schoenbeck.

Political observers say Knudson and Schoenbeck seem to be making the most inroads. July 1 will tell whose got the money advantage.

Sen. Scott Heidepriem continues to be regarded as the only "sure bet" candidate to seek the Democratic Party gubernatorial nomination.

Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
I think Matt Michels will definitely be gaining a foothold as time progresses. He is smart, likeable, family-oriented, with a great resume. He was a great leader in the State House and worked with both sides of the aisle. Heck, he and his wife were just named the Captain and Belle of Yankton's Riverboat Days.
Anonymous said…
Very interesting. A Daugaard-Knudson-Schoenbeck-Michels race would give voters a strong pool of candidates. Apparently all but Michels are already silently putting things in motion. It's hard to gauge their support at this point - I suppose Daugaard is the best know, but there is obviously time for that to change. I think that Daugaard and Michels are both pretty popular and well-liked across the board; Knudson and Schoenbeck both have elements of the party who would probably not be supportive.
Anonymous said…
The Goob Sweepstakes started last year in the GOP when the knives were planted in Mr. Sahr's back by his buddies on the PUC and elsewhere. As to the other GOP pretenders just remember, "first place, a set of steak knives."
Anonymous said…
I should have said also - it will be interesting to see if any of the four are diverted into a congressional run in 2008 or 2010.
Anonymous said…
why Democrats would want to nominate a turncoat Benedict Arnold hack like Heidepriem is beyond me.

Healy for Gov!
Anonymous said…
I don't think Bret's running.
Anonymous said…
Dems will nominate Heidepreim (if he runs) because they think he's a winner. It will be simlar to Jim Abbott - both Scott and Jim are really closer to Knudson (pro-business) GOP than Dems. And interestingly, they are friends.

Dems tried a "died-in-the-wool" nominee in 2006 with disasterous results - now they will try to win in a year with an open seat. Of course the trouble is - Abbott lost.
Anonymous said…
Knudson will win easily.
Anonymous said…
I think Knudson would be better as a candidate for Federal office. He would make an excellent Senator or Congressman. I would prefer Michels as Governor. South Dakota would have the best representation they have seen in years.
Anonymous said…
4:59 - what are you smoking? Knudson the former democrat won't make it through the primary.

Last time I looked, The GOP wasn't the party of "gay marriage" and "abortion on demand."
Anonymous said…
How did the abortion ban go again?
Anonymous said…
In fairness to Dave, I'm not sure he is the candidate of "gay marriage and abortion on demand."
Angie said…

Since when is South Dakota, much less any candidate here, the state of "gay marriage and abortion-on-demand"?

Even the Democrats here are pretty conservative (ie, Kathy Miles). I feel like it's tough to paint any candidate, much less a Republican, in that light.
Anonymous said…
Knudson will lose the in the primary.

Think about who votes in primaries, it is the base of the party.

Knudson will not have the Republican base with him and he will not make it to the General election.
Anonymous said…
It'll be Bogue/Dempster in 2010. The east/west, conservative/mainstream alliance.
Anonymous said…
Which Bogue? Eric or Cheryl? Either would be terrific! Dempster? Nah - how about Hal Wick or Matt Michels instead? You'll still have your east/west alliance with candidates who aren't afraid of voting their principles.
Anonymous said…
The east/west ticket is yesterday's news. What is important are the candidates' philosophy and character. In order to be sucessful in a republican primary a cndidate must be extremely conservative. Assuming no one makes the mistakes of the 2002 primary that will be the deciding factor. Schoenbeck and Daugaard will be the ones to watch.
Anonymous said…
At this point, it's too soon to take a very good read on how the governor field will shape up in 2010. Lots can change.

But we do know that Deb Peters will run for either auditor or treasurer (both term limited). Did you know she's a CPA?
Anonymous said…
How come everybody beatifies this guy Heidepriem? (This is an honest question since I don't know him.) People fawn all over him like he's the greatest thing that ever was.
Anonymous said…
It would be interesting to start speculating on the potentials for the down ticket races in 2010. These are opportunities that can go one of two ways: 1) Either an established individual with strong party ties (R or D) runs and wins, without having aspirations for the future, or 2) a young, ambitious individual runs and tries to use it as a platform. I wonder what will happen?
Anonymous said…
Knudson can't make it through the primary. Michels is good but I'm not sure he'll run. Its going to be between Schoenbeck and Daugaard - and I think you have to favor Daugaard to win.

And Bogue? This is the first that I've heard that Bogue might run.
Anonymous said…
Then Daugaard it is, because Schoenbeck can't stand up to that much exposure.
Anonymous said…
I think Randall Beck should run for governor - he knows better than anyone how to run the State. I know because I read it in the Argus.

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