This got ratcheted up a bit. Rapid City School District now dealing with the bishop

You knew this was going to happen. After the controversy yesterday of the Rapid City School District picking on the catholic schools, now they're going to be facing off with the Bishop. And very likely, a lot of catholic constituents who happen to be voters as well:

As reported in today's Rapid City Journal:
The exclusion of a Catholic-school team from an invitational track meet at Sioux Park on Tuesday has raised a public discussion about allegations of sports recruiting that have been muttered in private for months. It also prompted a flurry of phone calls throughout the day Tuesday between officials for the Rapid City School District, the Rapid City Catholic School System and even Bishop Blase Cupich that will lead to a group meeting on the issue later in the week.


The fact that decisions by adults cost the track-team members for St. Elizabeth Seton the chance to compete this week had some Catholic-school parents questioning the commitment to students stated by Wharton. David Henderson, a Rapid City resident with four children in the Catholic system, called the exclusion of the Seton team a “real prevarication” that reflected poorly on the public-school administrators.

“We as taxpayers must demand that our school personnel allow all of the city’s children to compete together,” Henderson said. “St. Elizabeth Seton and St. Thomas More do not recruit students based on athletics.”
Read it all here. I'll bet this is going to be a topic of a school board meeting in the near future.


Anonymous said…
Where in the Bible does it say anything about track meets? Put another way why does the Bishop care. Further, why should the Bishop have any say in this.
Anonymous said…
I'm not in the RC school district and don't know if recruiting went on or not.

The whole problem here is the emphasis put on sports in schools. Winning is all important. Sports "jocks" are allowed to break rules and get by with it in many cases because the fans and school administration want winners. I'm sure that recruiting does go on now in this time of open enrollment. Some kids switch schools on their own just to get a chance to play a sport.

Maybe it's time to get the emphasis back on academics in schools and take sports and extracurriculars (which are important but not necessarily the school's responsibility) out of education. Then this issue would never come up.
Anonymous said…
I've got a great idea. Get the kids from the public and parochial schools together for a math-a-thon or another form of academic competition. Put the emphasis on academics and remove the clamor for "fairness" based upon speed, strength and agility. Publish those results on the front page of the RC Journal, the SF-Argus Leader and the Pierre Capitol Journal. Then this issue will really be a "dead horse".
Anonymous said…
Anon 7:51a

It is part of the Bishop's job. He is involved in the education in his region.
Anonymous said…
I hope the Bishop will take the Christian route and apologize for unethical conduct by Catholic school personnel instead of defending unethical conduct and arguing the rules don't apply to Catholics. There are consequences for bad behavior.
Anonymous said…
As a Catholic myself, instead of crying foul, I wish the Catholic schools would look deeper into why these things are happening. This case is similar to the reaction at the state AA boys bb tourn., when the crowd chanted "no one likes you". The rest of the state has reason to believe that unfair recruiting is going on, and they are going to hold it against these Catholic schools. Also, not all, but a great number of Catholic school students project a superiority complex over "those public school kids".
Anonymous said…
Self-righteousness and Catholicism go hand in hand.
Anonymous said…
Bah, even if the pope or L. Ron Hubbard himself gets involved, it's none of their business.
Anonymous said…
anon 8:32 am,
Don't you really mean indoctrination rather than education?
Anonymous said…
9:07 idiot - there is nothing wrong or unethical with coaches talking to 8th grade athletes from other schools. Especially considering those two boys had ALREADY registered at St. Thomas More for their freshman year.

It is only against SDHSAA rules for coaches to initiate contact with 9th grade students and older.

I'm surprised at some of the bigotry in these posts. Sad people.
Anonymous said…
Don't even think that coaches and public school adm don't recruit they do. It happens and has happened for a long time even at the freshman and upper level.
Anonymous said…
5:38 p
No I don't mean indoctrination I mean education. However included in a Catholic School education comes religious education. There is nothing wrong with this. Parents know their children will an academic plus some religious education.
I know of many people from across America who have sent their kids to a Catholic school who are not Catholic and praised the education their children recieved across the board.

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