Just for fun
The race for Capitol

Just for fun, a couple items out of my collection. I was at home working on a project, and the "Vote for Mitchell" stared at me for hours while I tried to make a video.

Pierre, Huron, Mitchell, Yankton, and another town or two were all involved in the fight to be the next State Capitol. As noted in the State of SD history for kids website:
Pierre was to be the capital for just one year. During that time, voters could think about it. Where did they want to put the permanent seat of government? Some people thought Pierre was the perfect spot. It was in almost the exact center of the state. Other people pointed out that Pierre might be in the center of the state but it was not in the center of population. Most people lived in the eastern one-third of South Dakota.

It would take two more elections to decide what town would be the permanent capital. Many towns wanted to be the capital. Government brought jobs to town. It gave a place prestige. The first election was held in 1890. Huron challenged Pierre for the honor. Pierre won again. In 1904, Mitchell tried to win the capital. Again, Pierre won.

People were getting tired of these challenges. They cost a great deal of money. They kept people on edge. The state legislature put a stop to them. It voted to build a permanent capitol. Up until this time, the state capitol had been a wooden building. Now it would be a stone building worthy of the seat of government. Today the South Dakota capitol is a treasure that all citizens can visit.
That's interesting.. "People were getting tired of these challenges. They cost a great deal of money. They kept people on edge." Sounds like some of these ballot initiatives that keep coming back.


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