Yay! I suck.
Oh, no. That's bad isn't it?

Todd Epp was commenting on the Lunch Summit we had yesterday over on his website at SD Watch, and he had one of his loyal readers chime in on my mediocrity. I was going to reply on his site, but it started getting long for a comment, so I'm turning it into a post:
Todd: I can only take so much of this. I have no doubt that PP is a great guy. He writes an occasionally interesting blog and has a good writing voice. Maybe your appreciation for him stems from his knowledge of South Dakota political history. But he offers very little in the way of unique insight into campaigns. A three day weekend at any campaign training seminar would provide a world of knowledge beyond anything offered by PP. His ability to define terms like "earned media" do not make him a genius; it doesn't put him ahead of the pack. SDWC is a nice blog, a good experiment, and is run by all accounts a nice guy. I hate to sound bitchy, but the fact that he is a Republican has nothing to do with the electoral situation facing Democrats in South Dakota. PP's knowledge of SD history is interesting and his PJ photo was hilarious, but your hype of his campaign wisdom is slightly embarrassing. Maybe you can prove me wrong.
Rats. I guess I suck.

Actually Ricky, you're right on a couple of points. There's a bit (if not more) of what I say that yes, you can get it from any three day campaign seminar. I've sat in those before. I've even organized them. What they can be is excruciatingly boring. What I try to talk about on my blog are real world examples, primarily in South Dakota.

Those seminars talk about targeting your vote based on swing precincts, writing your campaign plan, etc. Most of the races in SD - and that's MOST of them (all the way up the line) don't even have a campaign plan.

You have people who can't contemplate why they have to spend $5000 for name ID when "everybody knows them" This isn't unusual to Republicans - it's prevalent in all races in SD, in all parties.

What I think Todd appreciates is that someone is actually saying it out loud.

Many times you can rage against the machine from the inside, but until it's confirmed by someone on the outside, organizations tend not to pay it any mind, dismissing it as unhappiness in the ranks. That's all.

Besides. My blog is always worth the read. I have lots more pajamas that I haven't modeled yet.


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