Shilling for birthday gifts - the Day in politics, July 26th

Back about a week ago, I had a reply to the post on the day in politics on July 21 as follows:

Bob Newland said...
A landmark date, indeed.
My birthday is July 26. I'll be 57.
Er, ok. Bob Newland was born today, 57 years ago. He's run for nearly every statewide office that's out there, and is the mainstay of the South Dakota Libertarian party.

Him and that Begay guy. Wasn't it Stan Marsh in South Park who said "Good Dog. Sit. Now, don't be gay. Don't be gay." That's all I can think of when I hear that guy's name.
Anyway, happy birthday* to Bob Newland from the SD War College.

*Note, if you intend to drop presents off at this house, I think there's a 'highway patrol safety check' on the way. And they have an officer with a dog. Just keep that in mind when you make your gift choices.


Bob Newland said…
And here's the basis of my assessment of all things political:

Politics is the continuous argument over who gets to do what to whom; for how long, and against what degree of dissent.

No one --- neither a mugger nor a group of suits in some capitol building --- NO ONE has the right to initiate force or commit fraud in pursuit of personal or political goals.

Do you agree with me? If not, under what circumstances can force or fraud be legitimately initiated by a government or an individual?
Anonymous said…

Keep up the good work and the good fight.

And happy b-day.


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