If I was correct, why do I feel like a jerk?

Well, that sucked.

I earned bragging rights in figuring out one of our little mysteries, regarding SDBWM. He asked for my guess, and confirmed that I was correct. So why do I feel a little empty?

In figuring it out, I didn't earn anything more than just doing it. More than anything I kind of feel diminished. Here's someone who has been nothing but cordial to me, and he's telling me he might back away from things because his identity is known. It's not going to affect his employment, or anything like that, but it might cause some static for some relatives who are going through a tough stretch right now (who I know and respect). I have to say, I feel like a bit of a heel.

That all probably means I'm too thin skinned for success at this political stuff. Or maybe I'm better suited to it now, having feelings like remorse and empathy. Who knows?

In my younger days, I was one of those at the forefront, going "kill, kill" and doing my damndest to chew up the opposition. To me, politics was akin to a "no forefit" professional wrestling cage match where you weren't done until the opponent was down for the 3 count. I still have a little of that now. I'm one of the Republicans who aren't afraid to have a primary, and I play to win when I work in a campaign.

But at times I honestly feel 'bad' about some of this stuff. Proabably because I've seen too many things that I don't like happening to friends of mine just because they stick their necks out.

SDBWM has asked that I not reveal his identity, and I'm going to honor that request. It's the least I owe him. I'm hoping he's going to change his mind, or come back in another form at some point.

So quit asking.


Anonymous said…
At least you don't have to go through the rest of your life not knowing who hates you more than anybody else on the face of the earth.
Bob Newland said…
Peepee, was it a Roger Ailes moment?
Anonymous said…
Don't feel bad. You don't know me either Steve, and I pretty much think you're a jackass more often than not.

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