Changes *UPDATED*

Bear with me as I make a few changes to this site to better integrate some of what's being published out there into it.

I would also concur with SD Watch that Blog Watch Man needs to continue. Please encourage him to do so.

I'm going to be doing some more experimenting with my blog in the near future in response to my ongoing frustration with not being one of the chosen few on SD123.

In looking at the software that's out there, I think I can come up with something done in my own style that I can keep automatically updated with the RSS feeds from blogs that are out there. Since 123 hasn't been updated in months, and I inadvertantly sank SDBW, I think something like this would be welcome in the blogosphere to drive traffic to the individual sites.

I think something like this is also very encouraging in getting people to keep their sites fresh and updated. New posts drive traffic, traffic encourages posting.

I've added lots of new sites, including some that are pretty spotty posters. Ruminations has been around for a while in the SDBlogosphere, but seems to have escaped noitice until now. It's political, but with heavy catholic leanings.

Temenos is about as opposite as you can get, I think. This is from one of the constant posters on Mt. Blogmore. So is BOJ, who seems to have a penchant for putting Stephanie in slinky cheerleader outfits. (no complaints here).

And for you who aren't on the right hand side of the page, get a RSS feed or drop me a note.

There will still be more changes to come, but this is enought for a few days - and a nice jumping off point to see what's out there. fromthe rest of the world that 123 ignores.


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