(It's ALIVE!)

Okay, I think I finally found something I like.

You'll note the RSS feeds are aggregated at the side. Right now, I have three Blog Feeds each in 3 separate digests. This product is so new, they don't even have on-line purchasing available yet to upgrade. If you're in the SDBlogOSphere and if you're towards the bottom, fear not. I'm going to integrate everything into two or three large digests as soon as I can get ahold of these guys to upgrade.
If you are:
#1, a blog or website related to SD; and
#2 you have an RSS Feed,
I will include you. At this point, I'm only having trouble with the RSS feed for Jay Reding's site, and Joel Rosenthal's SD Straight Talk does not have it's automatic RSS Feed activated (hint, hint - I think you can do that in the template). As soon as things are resolved there, I'll include them.

Why have I done this? To me, it's the natural progression of the SDBlogOSphere. As you might have noticed since I cranked this site up, I have a love/hate relationship with SD123. I think it's been the best utility for managing these things, but they haven't added anyone new in months. And there's been an explosion in blogs since they last added anyone.

So, not only am I sprucing my site up and making it easier to read (white on black was not cutting it for one reader), but I'm building a better mousetrap.

In the prototype digest(s): Here's what it's indexing at the moment:

GOP Digest 1:
Progressiv Republican

DEM Digest 1:
Dakota Today

General Digest 1
Mt. Blogmore
SD Magazine
Holabird Advocate

I won't make any big announcements when I get it fully up and running, unless it's a slow day. But, you'll be able to track the latest and greatest posts as they come up.

You can also read my stuff too.


Anonymous said…
PP ...

You beat me to it. I was working on something like to integrate it into my redesigned site.

Oh well ... I'm glad someone did it.

PP said…
Suprisingly, most of the tools out there are pretty limited, or you're stuck with ads.

I was suprised with how tough it was to find something that did exactly what I wanted, and I didn't have to set up a separate website devoted to it.
Anonymous said…
It's actually a pretty slick integration.

It looks great.

I've been working with a couple of open source tools and tweaking the code, which has proven to be challenging for what I was hoping to end up with.

Now that you've done it, I can probably put the project on the back burner for a while.

Anyway ... it's a nice feature and it looks great.

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