6 days until the bylaw change vote
Gentlemen, state your case.

In the interest of being unbiased, I would like to take the opportunity to offer a blog post to the opposing point of view as to why the South Dakota Republican Party should cut 70% of volunteers and supporters from the Republican State Convention process.

So, whomever stands opposed to the current bylaws, and supports the measure to put them back where they were 20 years ago, please click here to e-mail me. I will give you as much space on my blog as you want. Unfettered, and without editorial comment from me.

I pride myself on my analytical ability. I'm a crack researcher and can take materials from an extensive range of sources and distill it down to something simple and easy for a neophyte to an issue to understand.

The problem with the proposed State Republican Party bylaw change is that I can't find anything that provides a valid reason to reduce the representation at GOP State Conventions. If I've found anything on it looking at a national basis, it has all been critical of the practice.

This bylaw change is not minor. It is a major overhaul to the system. Yet, there's no one out there making arguments in favor of it. There's no one contacting Republican County Chairman that I've heard (and yes, I do hear about these things) saying it's necessary. There's no one I can find in favor of it, but still, it has been laid out there to be considered.

So, I want to know. Tell me why it's needed. You'll find me a suprisingly good listener. Click here to e-mail me and tell your story. Is the convention unmanageable? Are there people who cause disruptions? Is there a reason why we need to eliminate 824 positions guaranteed for Republican Women? I don't know. So please take the opportunity to make your case. Take your 15 minutes of SD War College offered fame.

I double-dog dare you.


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