MAINstream update, and questioning my own low standards.

As reported in Celeste Calvitto's column in the Rapid City Journal, the MAINstream Coalition is set to meet in Sioux Falls on 9/14 in an informational meeting similar to one already held in Rapid City. If you recall the column from a while back, Linda Viken and Judy Olson Duhamel gushed all over them. And Judy recently tooted about the coalition a couple days ago in the SDDP "Blue Note blog".

Getting back to the RCJ article, Celeste interviewed Republican State Senator Ed Olson for an updated status of the group, and had this to say:
Olson serves as executive director of the organization. The other founders are Republican Sens. Stan Adelstein, Royal "Mac" McCracken and J.P. Duniphan, all of Rapid City, Sen. Duane Sutton of Aberdeen, and Sens. Tom Dempster and Dave Knudson, Sioux Falls. Adelstein is underwriting Olson's salary and the start-up costs of the group.

Olson said that after a board is in place, "the senators will disappear."

He is looking to recruit 12 to 15 people to serve as board members. Three people from Sioux Falls, two "and maybe another" from Rapid City and one each from Watertown, Mitchell and Pierre have committed to serve on the Mainstream Coalition board, Olson said.
Go ahead and color me curious. I wonder who it is that they've gotten to serve? I'll watch this closely as it develops to see how many political types have signed on, and if there is anyone there who isn't readily recognizeable. I've got to get the "low down" on this. (Who is it? Tell me, tell me!)

Just on an editorial note, as readership goes up and people drop a note to say "Hey, I'm reading this," I'm finding those notes are slightly affecting how I express myself. In comment to a post this weekend, I had a note from "Sen. Lee" saying that Sen. Napoli pointed it out to him. Today I have a call to return from one of top Republican officials in SD which is specifically blog related.

Here's all these people I think highly of, one of whom I expect will be Governor someday. And they're reading these posts which comprise my thoughts, observations, and suggestions on South Dakota politics. And I wonder if I should have used some of the language that I have on this thing. Luckily, I don't recall that I've personally dropped any "f" bombs on this blog. And I think it's been weeks since I've used an "S" word. Even the H-E-double hockeysticks word hasn't shown up lately.

Seriously, I do enjoy finding out who is reading. But on readership affecting what I write, I don't think I'm unique. I think as some of these South Dakota political weblogs get attention, we tend to think in more journalistic terms. Because this is where insiders and interested others are coming for their daily political fix.

Despite our best efforts, I think we SD Political bloggers may be on to something.


Anonymous said…
Is it mainstream to be liberal and a member of the republican party? No, it is a distinct minority. Would they be mainstream in the democrat party? Yes, there the liberals are the mainstream.

These folks are just looking for a home. Why don't you mainstreamers just talk to Viken, Volesky, Howard Dean or Olson-Duhamel? I bet you have quite a bit in common. But then, you wouldn't be able to call yourselves republicans during election time, would you?

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