UPDATE: GOP Meeting rescheduled to October 1.

If you recall the GOP meeting originally scheduled for this weekend.. You know, the meeting that I was going on about most of last week regarding the effort to gut the party convention. That rescheduled meeting now has a time and date - Saturday, 1 p.m., on October 1st here in Pierre. No location was set in the letter what went out from Max Wetx, State GOP Director, but it's safe to assume it's the Ramkota or Kings Inn. As soon as I know, I'll post it.

The upside of the date change is that now the issue of cutting nearly 1500 potential delegates out of the convention process has some more time for discussion.

The downside of the date change? That's the exact same day as the South Dakota Federation of Republican Women's board meeting in Custer.

The same Republican Women whose guaranteed representation at convention of 954 will drop approximately 86.4% to 130 spots guaranteed for women.

Stay tuned to see if the meeting is reschduled once again.


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