News Roundup for January 17th, 2006

Lots of bits, but not very many kibbles yet today. So, a quick roundup of what's happening around the state.

Where's the party?

From a quick check of a couple of legislators, it's been noticed that the South Dakota GOP doesn't have a Legislative Director/Liason working the legislature this year, although GOP Director Max Wetz has been observed in the hallways.

Last session, Joe Alick was the man haunting the halls of the Capitol for the GOP, while there was an interim director. Now that Max is in permanently, I'm sure he's directly handling things as far as legislative liason duties go.

Going into the election year, I suspect the State Party will be bringing more staff on in the near future. I'm told there's a Southeast Director/Party Worker position that is planned for, as well as other additional staff.

And speaking of election stuff......

I know something you don't know. (At least, I called and found out.)

Unannounced candidates are out there waiting in the wings. Manny Steele is reported to have petitions out as a Republican for the District 12 House Race for the seat being vacated by Casey Murschel. And so does Brian A. Roth, another GOP candidate for District 12 House.

And in a surprise, Republican Gregory R. Allis has petitions out to run for the House in District 15. This is the same district that Republicans Tom Dempster and George Boom himself could not conquer back in 1988. More power to you for giving it a go.

Send me your releases guys - we'll give you the recognition you deserve for giving it a shot.

Where's the Beef?

The Kingsbury County Cattlemen's Association are hosting their 10th annual free beef feed in the Capitol Rotunda on Thursday January 19 from 11:00am till 1:00pm or until the food is gone.

According to Secretary of State Chris Nelson "This is your opportunity to partake of a delicious roast beef sandwich meal served by the men and women who raise the best beef in the world - South Dakota's cattlemen and women!"

Did I mention my new design?

As you have noticed, I'm changing things up a bit.

I'm going to really push the political coverage this year, and so I'm trying a few adjustments to bring in revenue to pay for what I'm spending out of pocket, and maybe to allow for some dedicated server space which will give me the ability to post more video.

And maybe some more RSS feed aggregation!

More commentary on Amendment D

Rick Kreibel in Rapid City had a forum piece in the Rapid City Journal this weekend on Amendment D. From the article:
I find it hard to believe that the property values of the largest and one of the fastest-growing cities in South Dakota did not even manage to increase at the state average for school revenue. The state average increase for school revenue was 16 percent; Sioux Falls increased 13.88 percent. That additional $7 million in state aid Sioux Falls received was most assuredly because of under-valuation of property in Sioux Falls.

If those $7 million had been collected in Sioux Falls, the mil levy would have been reduced statewide, therefore reducing taxes statewide. Because of this artificially inflated mil levy, Rapid City made a monetary contribution (tax shift) to the poor old Sioux Falls school district.

In contrast, had the STOP amendment been in place, none of this would have happened. Rapid City and Sioux Falls property taxes would have increased much more in proportion to their size and valuation and per capita.

Read it all here. Whether you agree with it or not, you have to admit that Amendment D appears to have some legs underneath it.

More to come!


Anonymous said…
Hmm: maybe somebody should tell him that the City of Sioux Falls encompasses more than one school district? Those of us paying the Harrisburg district levy (where all the growth is occuring) may have just a bit of a different opinion.

The blatant selective use of statistics by the STOP effort is breathtaking. Bill Clinton would be proud.
Anonymous said…
I only used statistics from the sioux falls school disrtict,,maybe you shouldnt assume I am so dumb,,lol
Anonymous said…
Dumb, no. Deliberately misleading: yes. 1) You refer a number of times to the "City of Sioux Falls" not the district. 2) You quote the City's population with no discount factor for the other districts within the City's environs (over 10,000 SF residents in the Harrisburg district alone by current estimates).

Your analysis is fundamentally flawed since you talk about tax effort with no corresponding discount for state aid received. While Sioux Falls is roughly twice the population of Rapid, the sales tax collections are far higher and it is the state sales tax, not any local property tax that funds state aid. And don't complain about all the out of town sales taxes Sioux Falls receives from non-residents. With its tourism economy, Rapid generates an even higher percentage of non-resident sales tax revenue.

The property tax problem is confined to the Black Hills due to rampant real estate speculation driving up values and declining enrollment in BH area districts.
My assessment in Lincoln County DROPPED this year as values have finally begun to moderate here in the 3rd. fastest growing county in America.

Property taxes being too high are a local problem due to local economic factors: fix yours there and leave us here alone.
Anonymous said…
Deliberately misleading?? looks like your the one trying to do that. You use the old, worn out claim "The problem is confined to the Black Hills." While that may have once been true, it's not anymore. It is a statewide problem and amendment D will STOP it .
Anonymous said…
ssssooooooo, I guess since your assessment dropped because the value of your home fell ??

assessments are to based on market value,,,is the market going bad in Linciln county ?

just keep talkin, you have just about hung yourself already,,haha
Anonymous said…
To Mr. annonymous from Harrisburg;
I am the author of the op ed piece in question. I used the city of Sioux Falls like I used Rapid city, they both lie within their school districts. Harrisburg is in a different county and has its own school district, correct ?

I did talk about State aid (up over 85% in Sioux Falls)however I was comparing the disparity in local effort ( property tax) and I am fully aware of where State aid comes from ( asuming I am dumb again) BTW Sioux Falls generates about $25 per capita in sales tax and Rapid City generates about $30 per capita. There was very little opinion in that column. It is a fact that k-12 property taxes went up 9 times faster in Rapid City (per capita). The problem is statewide because the legislature sets the mil levy based on total assessed value of the entire state. Plus I believe we are governed by the same constitution. If we ever get a school board or a city council with enough back bone to suit the State over this, all hell is gonna break loose like it did in Wyoming in the early 90's
Anonymous said…
Slam dunk, High five, Rick.
You guys keep tellin' it

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