Governor Mike Rounds Addresses Global Warming as one of first acts of serving as WGA head.

(Hat tip to Mt. Blogmore). Shortly after taking the reigns of the Western Governor's Association, Governor Mike Rounds led the bipartisan delegation in unanimously passing a resolution calling on states and cities to reduce human-caused greenhouse gases. From the LA Times:
The resolution said that 11 national academies of science from major nations have agreed that climate change is occurring and is "influenced by human activity." It also said that the governors support taking steps to reduce human-caused greenhouse gas emissions.


... Republican governor, South Dakota's Mike Rounds, said that "one of the things we agree on is there are a number of different causes that we recognize, and the scientists recognize, are the cause of global warming."

Asked if that included human causes, Rounds said: "Absolutely."

Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, a Democrat, said governors "need to be thinking about what we can do at the state and regional level to deal with global warming." Asked if they were referring to human-caused warming, Napolitano said, "Yes, I think you can read that in the resolution."
Read it all here. As part of this meeting, the WGA came forth with a slogan for their efforts "Making the West the Best."

now for the less serious part.....

This was immediately dismissed by New Jersey resident "the Vin Man" who declared " I'm the best from the East, I'm a wild and crazy beast. I'm the Vin Man."

(Sorry, you have to be up on your Andrew Dice Clay movies to get that reference.)


Anonymous said…
I read the article and see that Gov Rounds lists three areas of concern he would like to address. Global Warming, good paying jobs, and technology. Gee, what happened to the abortion ban, I thought that was our number 1 issue.
Anonymous said…
No, that's the libs #1 issue.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I would like to see their plan to assure they are the technology leaders. Good paying jobs, huh? Does that mean we'll let the coporations set up in Idaho and Oregon, then we'll set up their call centers in South Dakota.

Of course, word around town is that there is "Big" announcement coming from Governor Rounds. I suspect Homestake has been chosen by the National Science Foundation. How politically convenient.
Anonymous said…
More proof that Rounds is a flaming liberal. He only signed the abortion bill to distract republican voters. Rounds is all about growing the government, more taxes, and protectionism for the special interest.
Anonymous said…
Rounds, once again, demonstrates that he is NOT gubinatorial material. It could be that he has SDSU regents and academics, promoting their own interests, whispering in his ear....and he's listening.
Anonymous said…
Anon 7:06 – Amen!!! Why do you suppose a Republican who outspends the Dems is so popular? Is it because the voters are stupid? Or do they WANT a flaming liberal in charge if he will agree to masquerade as a conservative?
Anonymous said…
You people must have absolutely no concept of what a real liberal is. Move to Massachusetts for a couple years, and tell me what you think of Mike Rounds then...
Anonymous said…
Rounds has proven once again why I,as a Republican, will never again vote for him. "Global warming" is left-wing, tree-hugging, earth-worshipping hocus-pocus. Any good intelligent scientist can blow their fantasies out of the water. Besides,"greenhouse gases" are so-called because they make plants grow and are great in greenhouses(CO2).(They are good- not bad!) I am voting third-party this year.
Anonymous said…
I believe wholeheartedly that the likelihood of human beings causing global warming is directly proportional to the likelihood that human beings affect the time the sun comes up each morning. Hmmmm....that reminds me....I'd like another couple minutes of daylight tomorrow. I think I'll add a minute to the morning and one to the evening. Cyclical changes....HA! Everything depends on whether I choose to use hairspray and drive an SUV. Thank God--I mean Mother Earth--for another enlightened governor.

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