Heidepreim announces.

Former Republican Scott Heidepreim oficially announced today that he' srunning as a Democrat against Dick Kelly. Ahe also announced some interesting people on his campaign team. From the Argusleader.com website:
Heidepriem said he’s running for the city’s District 13 Senate seat “for one simple reason. Pierre’s priorities are wrong for South Dakota and wrong for District 13. I’m running for the Legislature to create more opportunities for our children.

“We need to provide more resources for our teaches and our schools. We also need to work to assure that we keep our streets and our schools safe for our kids.’’

A lawyer who has lived with his wife, Susan, and two sons in Sioux Falls for more than a decade, Heidepriem also said he’s concerned about wages, health care and economic development. Jean Beddow and Dick Gregerson will be campaign co-chairs.
Read it all here. Jean Beddow from Mitchell isn't a surprise, but Republican Lobbyist Dick Gregerson is. I had head about it a few weeks ago, but sat on it, as it was almost too incredible to be true. This attorney with Woods, Fuller, Schultz and Smith isn't likely to win any brownie points with the Republican Majority for this one.

Gregerson, presently head of the South Dakota Highway Commission and a former Chairman of the Minnehaha GOP - has an extensive and storied lobbying presence in Pierre. No one is going to deny he probably has a close friendship with Heidepreim from years past. But the new conservative Republican majority that's expected to take office this fall might just get a little snippy about the whole thing.

I suspect the blurb in the paper isn't going to be the end of it. We'll have to wait and see what next January will bring.


Anonymous said…
When Scott was a Republican he was one of the smartest and most honest legislators in Pierre. I can't imagine how awesome he'll be as a Democrat!

Go Scott Go!

Todd Epp
Anonymous said…
Yes, and while a Republican legislator photos of aborted fetuses were mailed to his pregnant wife and that was that.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
So...Now that he's a Democrat, Scott is a one issue abortion jihad guy??

Anonymous said…
not to be a wet blanket, but didn´t he run as a Reagan-type for congress in 1986 as a Republican? not really my kind of guy
Anonymous said…
I know both Dick Kelly and Scott Heidepreim,,, they both pay their bills. Scott pays on time and I don't care if he's a former whatever he gets my vote over Dick.
Anonymous said…
let`s get a real democrat in there...why do we have to have one who couldn´t make in GOP and switched teams??
Anonymous said…
I would never vote for Scott for anything. He embarrassed himself ,the party, and the whole legislature when he was a committee head and got the cops involved when he treated pro-life testifiers like criminals when they came to the Capitol for an abortion bill. He an egotistical lawyer and has always been a flaming liberal.

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