Light posting until later this evening or tomorrow

I'm going light today, as I'm heading to Brookings tonight after work a day early to surprise my wife on her birthday tomorrow. So, light posting ahead.

Although, I do have a few topics I'm writing on my plate from things I've read and heard. So watch for these in the coming days:
Klaudt in newspaper; calls Amendment D, "revenue neutral."

Is there a chance another commissioner could leave the PUC?

Why is the Rapid City Journal selectively removing articles about a certain politician?

What in the hell is the deal with Pennington County and their $350 absentee ballot list?
Stay tuned.


Anonymous said…

It seems that if you wanted to keep a secret from your wife you wouldn't post it on the internet.

Unless, your wife is the only person in the state that doesn't read the War College.

By the way, thanks for coming to the Jarrod Johnson event in Pierre.
Your coverage was appreciated.

Anonymous said…
A couple thoughts -

1 - Obviously, your wife must not read War College, or else you just made a pretty key error.

2 - Which PUC commissioner is talking about leaving? I am on the edge of my seat! And a few days ago, you alluded to a move to abolish the PUC altogether - where did that story go?
Anonymous said…
I am on the edge of my seat about the Rapid City Journal. Would love to know what's up with that.
Anonymous said…
pp--where are you???? we need our political news fix
PP said…
Mike and Anon -

I know politics.

And my wife. She hadn't have a chance to read it before I got here.

And I'm working on that RCJ thing.

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