Cartoonist Don Stroot on the Herseth Nuptuals

As has been appearing in newspapers across South Dakota, Cartoonist Don Stroot takes on the Herseth-Sandlin Wedding.

Read him in newspapers across South Dakota (and I wish he had a website).


Anonymous said…
Did Stephi conduct the ceremony?
Anonymous said…
What a hoot! The words and pic are funny except I don't believe spouses should lobby!!!
Anonymous said…
Should lobbyists for fat cats be allowed to become members of Congress?
Douglas said…
Better hurry up and get some old news in here about Daschle and wife Linda.

Old campaign humbug attacke never die in the GOP mind.
Anonymous said…
Bob Dole is lobbying whilst Elizabeth is in the senate. Say it ain't so!!

Well, at least Democratic spouses shouldn't lobby, right?

There's a local lobbyist in the senate who's STILL lobbying for his fatcat (compensation is deferred until after senate service is over. Big money at that time!)

Kinda like Cheney and the Halliburton hundred million $$ he'll get when VP service is over for services rendered as VP/war monger/no-bid contract pusher/lobbyist-in-chief.
Anonymous said…
12:18 as a matter of fact i do believe that there should be a waiting period just as there is after they leave office!!!!

You should NEVER assume anything!!!

So I guess this post can go to
1:12 Douglas also.
Anonymous said…
Betty, whatever you are referring to I do not believe that your post is justified in the language you use.
Anonymous said…
Poster 12:18 here again,
let me put things more simple.
If you are in congress or a state legislature. A spouse of an electd official should NOT be allowed to lobby ever.
If you have been elected yes there should be a waiting period maybe even longer than it is now.
Anonymous said…
Betty should have to appear on Al Sharpton's radio show to apologize for her racist comment about our princess. She should be fired too.
PP said…
Alright - that "ho" comment is gone...
Anonymous said…
I concur with PP!
Anonymous said…
Way to go PP. Now you leave it to our imagination to figure out what the "ho" comment was. Using that slur but deleting the original slur kind of defeats the purpose of deleting.
Anonymous said…
It's all in the national news look for "it" or the reference there.
Anonymous said…
I bet the comment PP deleted dealt with Nappy Haired people with difficult to spell names.
Anonymous said…
Is that a burka she's wearing? Maybe it's a hijab. Perhaps a gift from Nancy Pulloutsi.
Anonymous said…
11:31 poster "good one"
Anonymous said…
I see poster 4:34 ...shut em down on knocking the GOP

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