Take that Billion campaign... Epp takes position as press and legal consultant

Almost immediately after his recent departure from the Billion campaign, Todd Epp has taken a new campaign position as the press consultant for the South Dakotans Against Discrimination. From my e-mail box:

SIOUX FALLS --South Dakotans Against Discrimination (SDAD), the grassroots group opposing Amendment C, announces that Harrisburg attorney and activist Todd Epp will be its legal and communications consultant.

"Todd offers a unique combination of legal experience and communications skills that will assist us in educating the public and the media as to why Amendment C, the ban on "quasi-marital relationships," should be defeated," according to Jon Hoadley, SDAD's campaign manager.

Epp is a former local broadcaster for S.D. Public TV and KSFY-TV and a freelance writer. He is admitted to practice before the state and federal courts of Kansas and South Dakota and 8th and 10th United States Circuit Courts of Appeal. His practice concentrates on workers rights, litigation, and intellectual property. He has had legal and scholarly articles published in the Washburn Law Review, Kansas History, South Dakota History, and the International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. He has a B.A. in history and English from Washburn University of Topeka, a J.D. from Washburn University School of Law, and an LL.M. from the University of Houston Law Center.

"Defeating Amendment C and ensuring that all families are treated fairly with basic legal protections is a civil rights issue," Epp said. I look forward to working with Jon and the SDAD membership in defeating this hateful and unnecessary amendment to the South Dakota Constitution."

Epp, 47, is married to Donna Epp, Ph.D. and they are the parents to two school aged children. Todd is active in coaching youth soccer, playing with his three dogs, blogging, and political activism.

He can be reached at his home office at 605.767.5531, cell at 605.351.5021, fax at 267.222.3425, or email at tepp.sdad@gmail.com


PP said…
"White Boy" - I think you can disagree with his choice of doing this without calling his personal "preferences" into question.
PP said…
In case you were wondering why I yanked your comment.
Anonymous said…
Epp has just lost all credibility with me, what little he had.
Haggs said…
Good for him. South Dakotans Against Discrimination just picked someone who is dedicated and can get the job done. I look forward to see what he does with them.
Anonymous said…
I'm against discrimination! I'm also 100% in favor of Amendment C! Vote Yes on C!
johnnie w. said…
I'm for making a state law which helps people with a terminal illness feel better. I'm also 100% in favor medical marijuana! Vote Yes on Initiative Measure #4!

Be against Discrimination, Anons, vote for medical marijuana in November.
Anonymous said…
Pat, Haggs:

Thanks for having my back. Pat, sounds like you had to do a little editing in the comments to keep things PG rated.

For some of my critics, I just say this. I'm a red-blooded guy married to the same woman for 25+ years, with two adopted children, three dogs, two law degrees, one blog, about 10 NFL fantasy football teams, and a whole bunch of friends ranging from gay Democrats to Native American Republicans to canabis endorsing Libertarians.

I look at people's character, not their party affiliation or sexual preference.

I have spent much of the past several years of my law practice fighting for people who have been discriminated against because of their race, gender, disability, or standing up to unjust work practices. My work with SDAD is consistent with that. All people are deserving of dignity. We are all God's children.

I hope I can help SDAD not only defeat Amendment C but also bring about more tolerance and understanding among people in South Dakota. Must be the Mennonite and the Methodist in me.

A quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. guides me in my career choices: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." Hopefully, in my own small ways, I'm helping to bend the law and attitudes toward justice.

Thanks again.

Best regards,

Todd Epp
Anonymous said…
nicely said todd...you seem to be a good egg.

but what happened with the Billion campaign??
Anonymous said…

You may be all that, but your conduct in Abourezk v ProBush.com was nothing short of thuggery. You defended a relatively famous man who attempt to bully a 20-year old kid into submission over a word that you knew perfectly well was protected speech.

I believe the word for your actions is "intimidation."
johnnie w. said…
South Dakota for Medical Marijuana Blog http://sd4mm.blogspot.com/ wants your endorsement on the November 7 vote.

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