Whalen makes his case for the charge of Herseth ducking debates

In an e-mail sent out to people today, Republican Congressional Candidate Bruce Whalen stated his case for the charge of Herseth ducking debates with him. And one has to admit, it looks like there have been plenty of missed opportunities:

This is the debate schedule that has been offered to both candidates. I have agreed to all. Ms. Herseth must not be allowed to take this election out of the voters minds any longer please forward this to your family and friends and let them ask the question, why is Ms. Herseth scared of open debates?






Herseth's Action

Oglala Nation Pow Wow

Pine Ridge

Public Debate

Aug 6th

1:30-2:00 MST


Dakota Fest


Candidate Forum

Aug. 17th

10:30-11:30 CST


State Fair


Candidate Forum

Sept. 2nd

11:00-12:00 CST




Candidate Forum

Oct. 4th

7:30-8:30 CST

No Response

Scotland VFW


Candidate Forum

Oct. 5th

1:00-3:00 CST



Rapid City

TV Debate

Oct. 9th

6:00-7:00 MST


McGovern Center


Candidate Forum

Oct. 11th

6:00-7:00 CST

No Response


Sioux Falls

Candidate Forum



Waiting on Herseth

Interchange Group


Candidate Forum

Oct. 16th

7:30-8:30 CST

No Response



TV Debate

Oct. 17th

8:00-9:00 CST



Rapid City

TV Debate



Waiting on Herseth


Sioux Falls

TV Debate

Oct. 23rd

7:00-8:00 CST


Chamber of Commerce


Candidate Forum

Oct. 24th

7:30-8:30 CST

No Response

Bruce also sent out a copy of information contained in the Family policy council's voters guide:

which are now available here.


Anonymous said…
Uh, Ms. Herseth has a job in Washington. What is Mr. Whalen doing these days besides attempting to run for Congress?
Haggs said…
Whalen is grasping at straws.
Anonymous said…
Uh, Ms. Herseth is a candidate for office. Candidates are often called upon to engage in such things as pesky little debates so the public can gain a better understanding of where they stand.

Ms. Herseth is an opportunist. She seeks photo opp's, but shys away from letting the voters get to know her better. They voted for her because she's pretty, not because she even pretends to share their beliefs. She knows this. That's why she'll send an aide over to the Wells Fargo serving line at the Sioux Empire Fair and ask whether Ms. Herseth can serve free sandwiches for a while. After smiling and yucking it up with the fairgoers for a while, the photos are taken and she's off.

So she's got a job in Washington. What's that got to do with anything? She's been out East most of her adult life. However, she found time to tear herself away from her fellow East Coast liberals to run for office in 2002. Anon 12:48, your candidate can find time to serve sandwiches at a fair. Yet she refuses to debate. She's obviously running from something. Her philosophy and her voting record.

Sir, would you like one sandwich or two?
Anonymous said…
So where is the mention of the fact that Herseth has agreed to 3 debates with Whalen? He sent this out today and the Mitchell Dailey Republic reported 2 days ago that the 3 debates will go forward.

CHEERS to news that Democratic U.S. Rep. Stephanie Herseth and Republican challenger Bruce Whalen will meet in a series of three debates next month. Voters in the state are ready to hear what each has to say during this election season. Whalen insists Herseth has been dodging him, but we feel that three debates in October, all to be broadcast, will give the state’s voters a good idea what is on each candidate’s mind and in plenty of time before the Nov. 7 election.

Kind of kills his complaint doesn't it?
Anonymous said…
Please, we don't need to watch Herseth and the other guy debate 13 times. Three will be plenty. I think we will have a pretty good handle on where each of them stand after the first one, but what the hell, lets go two more, but 13? no thanks
Anonymous said…
PP - you didn't seem too upset that Rounds ducked debates with Billion.

I'm all for debates, but, 13 sounds crazy. Whalen should just spend time researching and blasting policies.

It's a pathetic attempt by Whalen. Just debate her in the papers. Be a one man debate.
Anonymous said…
13 debates how dare we think that candidates should have to support their positions against each other 13 times....gasp!

Really, Herseth is an empty suit keeping a Congressional seat warm. If she had the intellectual capacity to debate and defend the courage of her convictions she would be out there. But she doesn't.

Instead she jukes and jives better than Ali.

I remember when she came down to USD when she first ran. She didn't know squat about farm policy and didn't want to tell us her position on abortion or trade issues. She's a pretty face and that's it.
Anonymous said…
So a candidate with an insurmountable lead should allow a loser to dictate the debate schedule? Really PP, would you advise that candidate to debate her unknown opponent? Of course not. Whalen will be lucky if he gets as many votes as Jim Guffey did in 1976.
Anonymous said…
I love the remarks about how Herseth is just a pretty face. The woman has a law degree from Georgetown University and comes from intelligent lineage so I think it's safe to say that she is as bright as she is pretty.
The biggest problem with the people who make those remarks is that Stephanie is female and Democrat. Maybe she could do something to get draw more national attention to herself though. I know, she can publicly insult the president like Thune did! That should work. It definitely did for Thune.
Anonymous said…
I highly doubt that Whalen wanted 13 debates! But one or two in person, in front of the voters, would have been a GOOD thing for voters! Every time she said she didn't have time he gave her another time and another opportunity. Hence 13 offers!

Both Miss Stephanie and Bruce were at a pow wow at the SAME time on the SAME stage. When they shook hands Bruce asked for a debate and Miss Stephanie tucked her tail and RAN.

A degree from Goergetown and a good pedigree doesn't mean anything! She had the money to buy her school work if she didn't choose to do it and I have some horses with GREAT pedigrees that were worth much less than the mule that we got when a donkey jumped the fence!

Miss Stephanie wants to debate ONLY in front of a camera. Now what does she have to hide?
Anonymous said…
To all the sexists who resort to making comments about Rep. Herseth's looks: I defy you to go see her in action, at a meeting with any group of South Dakotans, talking about any issue, and come away from that thinking she's anything less than curious, well-informed, bright and completely impressive. That's the truth and that's the reason she's going to not only beat Bruce Whalen, but probably even beat him among Republicans. She knows her stuff.

Also, for a candidate of Bruce's embarassingly low caliber, 3 debates is plenty. The guy was caught red handed making up middle-school lies about her, and I would argue he's getting more debates than he deserves. And is he seriously arguing that a debate at the Scotland VFW is actually better/more "democratic" than a live debate broadcast to hundreds of thousands of homes on TV? Come on, that's silly.

Lastly, be careful what you wish for Bruce - Stephanie held her own against Janklow in debates and ran circles around Diedrich. You think you're ready for the major leagues?
Anonymous said…
Georgetown Law does not equal intelligence. Though a political lineage can equal Georgetown, Joan.

She can't stand up to debate. Bill Janklow used to wipe the floor with her whenever they debated. She never came off as a credible especially on farm policy, taxes and social issues. The big three in SD.

She was also caught talking down to people on the stump. Her advisors have made their money by keeping her away from debates, that's for sure. And it certainly is a wise political move when in the lead.

However, it also goes to show that Stephi just can't hold her own in a non-scripted open forum and is just another pretty face, a Barbi candidate.

Also, why did she allow cut and run Jack Murtha to hold a fundraiser for her in D.C.?
Anonymous said…
Randy, stop playing the "sexist" card, you racist.
Jer Bear said…
God, it reminds of the time an ambitious, empty-suited lobbyist named John Thune was in all seriousness proposing 66 different -- that's two sixes -- debates in the 31 day month of August with TAD. (Can ya fully appreciate just how asinine that is?)

Funny thing is, no one in SoDak watched or gave even the slightest shit about any one of the 6 they ended up having.
Anonymous said…
anon 7:22 if you are going to resort to attacking someones character at least have the guts to sign your name.

Whalen will have 3 televised chances to debate Herseth only a few weeks from the election, what more can he ask for? If he believes he has a chance to beat Herseth he will have his opportunity then, but as the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for it actually might come true...
Anonymous said…
Anon 5:28 - You clearly need to get off of the ranch more often if you think anyone can earn a Georgetown law degree by paying someone else to do their work.

And if you would have used a stallion instead of a gelding, that donkey wouldn't have needed to jump the fence!
Anonymous said…
jer bear,

Chicken shit Daschle lost all 6 of those debates and the election.
Anonymous said…
I'm curious if after the KOTA debate on the 9th...if Bruce & Lee will be begging for 'more debates' after he gets trampled over. I'm also guessing Lee won't be pushing so hard to get his candidate out then!

People need to wake up. If Bruce wants to gain any points what-so-ever...he doesn't need debates...he needs a prayer and a new campaign manager.
Anonymous said…
I bet less than 20% of voters can actually stand to make it through a complete debate. I typically get bored and change the channel 10 minutes into it.

3 debates is more than enough in my book.
Anonymous said…
Yeah three televised debates are boring--but a REAL debate in front of REAL voters--who would likely Booo little missy--that gets people inspired. The voters who vote for a pretty face don't usually attend the real thing.
Anonymous said…
Anon 2:14, 4:18, 5:28, 10:57:

We all know it's you Lee - you might as well just make a user name for yourself.
Anonymous said…
Face it, Herseth was elected on her name and on her perkiness. She has managed to stay sorta middle of the road so far, but will that last? Will she see that in order to advance in her party she will have to keep moving left? Like Daschle did.

As for being intelligent, I'm sure she is. She just never learned to put a period instead of a comma in a sentence and to take a breath now and again! But her name and looks got her elected.

Scripted debates are boring to a certain degree. But a spur of the minute debate in front of a crowd would be real and would better reveal both personalities. If given that opportunity, it should have happened but didn't. I do see why Herseth wouldn't take a chance on a mis-statement if she feels she is going to win in a landslide. But we voters are all poorer for that.
Jer Bear said…
Be careful, Steve – the Shadow Party is watching you. In fact, I was chatting with the ‘Grand Boobah of the Shadow Party’ just the other day and told him that they – ‘The Legion of Clandestine Communist Druids’ -- shouldn’t be so fixated on you, cuz it’s just not worth it.

Well, after that little remark, Steve – I'm not gonna hold them back anymore.
Anonymous said…
From the sounds of Whalen's last debate he may want to back out. It sounded like the Libertarian candidate made him look rather stupid, other than the damage Whalen did to himself.

They guy is looking for free TV coverage because no one will give him money for TV commercials.

Herseth has no more obligation to debate Whalen than she does to debate Sibson. Frankly they seem to be about the same.
Anonymous said…

If you look at the press release it has the three confirmed debates listed. Whalen isn't ignoring the fact that those 3 are scheduled. He is asking for an open debate where SD Citizens can ask questions. Those are the interesting ones!
Anonymous said…
11:41 pm - Whalen should be careful what he asks for. If an audience member would ask him about anything other than his abortion and gay marriage, he wouldn't have a canned answer ready for them.
At least no one is going to accuse him of being just another pretty face. He looks like a poster boy for the Special Olympics.
Anonymous said…
There was a typo in previous post. It was supposed to say ask him about anything other than his OPPOSITION to abortion and gay marriage.
Anonymous said…
anon 11:41

Yes it has them listed so why is he whining that Herseth is ducking debates with him 2 days after she agreed to 3 of them. Sounds like he is trying to gain sympathy over a non-issue.

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