Whose signs does Herseth have in her front yard?

I drove by this on the way to and from my house all weekend. It's kind of hard not to, as it sits on a heavily traveled street. And I thought it would be the start of an interesting post. Or a stupid one. (take your pick).

So, who has a yard sign in Herseth's yard?

Well, her own for starters. And Harold Widvey who is running for State Senate on the Democratic ticket.

Any other candidates or officeholders out there want to send me the pictures of what signs they have in their yard? e-mail them to me here.


Anonymous said…

I'm glad Rep. Herseth has Dr. Widvey's sign in her yard. For nearly nine years, we were Harold's and Lois' neighbors on Faculty Drive in B-town. You couldn't have asked for better neighbors. Great people. Harold would make a great legislator. My daughter Sarah adored Lois. That brings back some great memories of Brookings. Thanks for sharing.

Todd Epp
Anonymous said…
Widvey must be wildly pro-abortion too.
PP said…
Todd -

Really? I didn't notice that when I voted absentee. She's supposedly a brookings resident.
Anonymous said…
Don't worry, Johnson doesn't live in Vermillion either. Rents out his place actually. I hope some voters don't like this. Thune actually is back in the state nearly every weekend seeing the people he represents, meeting with them, being here. I think that says a lot about his devotion to family, to South Dakota, and to his constituents.
Anonymous said…
PP, since you've already voted give us a rundown on your votes on all the ballot issues.
Anonymous said…
Who cares?
Anonymous said…

You may want to revisit your photo when you get a chance to drop in in Brookings.

You and Stephanie each spend about the same time in the city you call home.
PP said…
I will.

And believe me, I wish I could spend more time at home.
Anonymous said…
Anon 4:29, back off PP. He has been a devoted husband and father for years. He is with his family as much as time will allow. It is a tragic disservice for you to liken him to Stephanie who has been running like hell from SD since she graduated high school.
Anonymous said…
We all make choices.

8:01 chooses to be inflammatory.

PP chooses not to live with his family. There are lots of jobs in Brookings: for welders, assembly line workers, etc. Good, honest jobs that pay a days wage for a days work.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with his choices. But they are choices.
Anonymous said…
We all make choices.

8:01 chooses to be inflammatory.

PP chooses not to live with his family. There are lots of jobs in Brookings: for welders, assembly line workers, etc. Good, honest jobs that pay a days wage for a days work.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with his choices. But they are choices.
PP said…
What does any of this have to do with her having signs in her yard?

I'd delete this, but I wouldn't want it to be said that I can dish it out, but can't take it.

Anon (whom I shouldn't bother responding to) unfortunately, I don't weld. I have many skills, but that isn't one of them.

Part of my responsibility to my family is to provide for them.

I'm sure that even you'd agree it's better to have an income while you're job hunting, than to "hope something happens."

So, yes. It's my choice.

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