Can I be Blue at the Blue Party?

Had this in my e-mail tonight:
2nd Annual Blue Party sponsored by Grassroots South Dakota
State of the Union - Uncensored

Holiday Inn City Center, Sioux Falls
Tuesday, January 31
6:30 - 10:00 P.M.
$10.00 Cover Charge

Tell us what you think! Open Mic $5 for 3 minutes

* Silent Auction
* "True Blue" Pearls
* Cash Bar
* Light Appetizers

Upcoming Events:

In 2005 GRSD used billboards to challenge the conservatives' "ownership" of morality. In 2006 we will promote progressive values in a two prong approach.

Step one: define the message & create a t.v. ad.
Step two: generate free media via action.

Help develop the Grassroots message!

Ideas for Progress is a community forum designed to spark an exchange of ideas and action on progressive issues. The first part is focused on defining galvanizing issues in the community, leading to the creation of a commercial. The second part is mobilizing GRSD volunteers to take action with letters to elected representatives and local newspapers, press conferences and rallies.

Ideas for Progress meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM in the GRSD office. The GRSD office is located at 101 S. Main, Suite 501, Sioux Falls. This gathering is FREE and open to the public.

Feb. and March action topic: "No One is Above the Law"
April and May action topic: "Poverty - Does government have a responsibility?"
You know, this has some possibilities. An uncensored open microphone at the "The Blue" Party.


To me, the blue party infers a need for blue jokes. The kind of humor that we all secretly snicker over. Like back in 1990 at the Republican Legislative Ball, right after I heard Chairman Dwight Adams say "I don't want Mortimer to have the podium." What happened after that? House Majority Leader Jerry Lammers got the microphone, gave his speech, and said "I think 'Mort' has a joke he wants to tell you."

And Former Representative George Mortimer from Belle Fourche proceeded to tell an absolutely uncomfortable and profane joke invloving Alice Kundert and a housepet. It's one of those moments where you see half the grown men in the room gasping. And the other half hiding their faces while they secretly laugh themselves into tears.

Open mic - $5 for 3 minutes? If I walk in with $2o there's the chance I can clear the room of Democrats. Or at least have everyone laughing.


Anonymous said…
Having sat through a few endless debates over trival issues I think $5 for 3 min sounds like a good way to raise some cash for the cause.

In my wildest dreams I can't imagine a joke involving Alice Kundert and a household pet. Care to recall it for us PP? What was the reaction of the GOP women in the room?
PP said…
I'll leave that one to your imaginations.

Let's just say I was too busy trying to conceal my laughing to check out the reaction of the ladies.

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