Do you ever get that feeling that you're being watched?
Great Plains Public Policy Institute begins their Tax and and Spending Report

From today's e-mail box:
The Great Plains Public Policy Institute is pleased to announce a new email program to assist and inform the taxpayers of South Dakota. This email will describe the day-to-day activities of the Joint Appropriations Committee of the South Dakota Legislature, which is responsible for the fiscal allocations of the entire State government.

The Good Morning Taxpayer - TAS Report will be emailed and contain a brief summary of each day's activities, expenditures, and increases and decreases in the budgets of various State Departments, slated for the FY 2007 Budget. We hope this information will provide you, the taxpayer, with an informative description of where and how much of your hard earned tax dollars will be spent by the 2006 South Dakota Legislature.

And so on....
The GPPPI apparently will be monitoring the activities of the Appropriations committee, and sending out daily reports of their activities, and discussing what happened in that day's activities. At the end of their e-mail is a summary of their "official findings" for the day:
The Bottom Line Is.
-Department of Education - increase of $9.5 million - total of $519.8 million.
-Bureau of Administration - increase of $0.5 million - total of $29.3 million.
-Department of Agriculture - increase of $ 3.3 million - total of $35.2 million.
-Total for the day - increase of $13.3 million - total of $584.3 million.
You can subscribe to the GPPPI e-mail newsletter at


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