Success has a thousand fathers while failure is an orphan. Belle Fourche Backs off gag order.

From the Rapid City Journal:
The Belle Fourche City Council will reconsider the controversial ordinance it passed last week to ban city employees from spreading rumors about local government. On Tuesday night, the Legal/Finance Committee of the council discussed the resolution, which critics have labeled a gag order that might be unconstitutional. The committee sent the issue back to the full council for reconsideration during its regular meeting, scheduled for Tuesday next week.

Opponents of the measure, including acting Mayor Sebastian “Bes” Burckhard, hope the council will rescind the resolution.

“I didn’t want it at all. It’s a bad idea,” Burckhard said Tuesday. “I think it’s taking some of your freedom of speech away.”

Even some resolution supporters said the language of the resolution needs to be revised.
D'you think? Read it all here. Funny how people didn't want something when it's universally bashed by the left, right and media.


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