Argus Leader weighs in on Primary races

In an article today, the Sioux Falls Argus Leader touches on a few of the legislative contests in an article trying to infer that many of them are abortion driven:
Alvine vs. Abdallah

Alvine said he doesn't think the Legislature is the best place to set complex medical policies - "It's kind of trying to practice medicine," he said - but he said abortion isn't what prompted his candidacy. He has been involved in policy-making at many levels of his profession, he said, and he thinks "a medical voice on the Senate floor" could be valuable in many debates.

"I'm 67, and if I don't do it now, when would I do it?" Alvine said. "It's now or never."

Schwiesow vs. Adelstein

Republican Sen. Stan Adelstein, who opposed the ban last session, faces Elli Schwiesow, a local and state GOP activist who supports the ban lawmakers passed. Except when an abortion is performed to save a pregnant woman's life, any doctor who performs the procedure can be charged with a felony.

Schwiesow has said she couldn't support further exceptions.

Adelstein has said several times he won't support abortion restrictions that don't include exceptions for victims of rape and incest and to protect the health of a pregnant woman.

Hauge vs. Kooistra

A Garretson Republican, whose 2004 primary opponent said an abortion vote spurred the contest, has a primary race again this year, but abortion seems to be a low-level issue.

Sen. Clarence Kooistra, who voted against an abortion ban in 2004 and again in 2006, said he is running on an education-based platform. He said he could be in line to be one of the leaders of the Senate Education Committee if re-elected. That could be an important spot for his district when a state task force returns a report late this year that could recommend school consolidations and changes in the school-aid formula.

"We need to have input into what happens to the recommendations from that task force, and I expect consolidation to be part of it," Kooistra said.

Arlen Hauge of Canistota is challenging Kooistra for the GOP nomination. Hauge said he's running because he's had a successful business career and wants to be part of discussions that could shape the future of South Dakota.
Read it all here, and more.


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