Manny Steele making his last minute push

E-mails are going across District 12 urging people to get out and vote for Manny Steele, and some of them are hitting pretty hard on Ann Henkin, termed Casey Murshel's hand picked successor. From my e-mail box:
After H.B. 1215 (the bill thats bans almost all abortions in South Dakota) was passed during this past legislative session by a bi-partisan majority, pro-abortion advocates like Casey Murschel have been fielding candidates like Ann Henkin to run against conservative, pro-life, pro-family Republicans like Manny Steele. Casey Murschel voted against H.B. 1215 during the 2006 Legislative Session, and Ann Henkin has stated she would have voted against H.B. 1215 as well.Stay tuned for election day.
It shows as much thought as your antipathy towards people who can get no relief from their maladies except through ingesting cannabis.
Thanks, PP, for the great post on Manny Steele. I am very proud to call him my friend.