I heartily endorse thee
Lots of blog technical stuff tonight. At the suggestion of one of the readers who was kind enough to make a donation for the upkeep of this mess of a blog, I've raised "the paypal beg button" up higher, so as to draw greater attention to it. Just in case anyone else is so inclined. (you know, inclined to make a donation..)
Otherwise, what political stuff is out there? I completely forgot about today's letters to the editor in the Rapid City Journal:
I was kind of suprised to see so many letters from Legislators popping up less than a week before the primary. But now is the time where those that are in office are making their preferences known. Here's another one that's appearing in the District 6 newspapers today for Samantha Stormo from retiring Representative Art Fryslie:
It's been said that people first trust the opinion of their family menbers, then friends and neighbors, and politicians are somewhere down on the list. But in South Dakota, many of the politicians ARE our friends and neighbors, so it's not an opinion to be discounted lightly, and it's the season to see these types of things.
Here's a further example out of Senator Brock Greenfield's brochure that's hitting the streets as we speak from Senator Lee Schoenbeck:
I hear there's an ad or two out there with more legislative and political endorsements as we wind down towards election day this next week, so I'll keep my eye out for them. Otherwise,
will all these legislative endorsements make the candidate into the winner?
Who knows. Only election day will tell.
Otherwise, what political stuff is out there? I completely forgot about today's letters to the editor in the Rapid City Journal:
Check his recordTwo letters from his colleagues going after Senator Stan Adelstein, and one from Gordon "Gordo" Pederson in support of Lance Russell running for Judge.
The incumbent senator, Stan Adelstein, while campaigning, tells his constituents he's an effective legislator with leadership qualities. His legislative record is very different. A look into his performance the past six years tells a different story.
Adelstein has been the prime sponsor and originator of 54 bills; 48 were killed, six passed as introduced. His lone bill, SB119, which passed in the 2005 session, did so because Sen. Bill Napoli brought the interested parties together for several meetings, none of which were attended by the prime sponsor, Adelstein.
It's not the number of bills one introduces, but the substance and quality of the bills that determines if one is an effective legislator. After checking his track record you determine if Adelstein is an effective legislator.
Adelstein missed the first week of the Appropriations Committee in the 2000 session. He had other interests more important than the Legislature. This session he did not even bother to show up for the last day to vote to restore funding for public broadcasting.
You judge for yourself if that exemplifies leadership.
If the voters of District 32 truly want an effective legislator with proven leadership qualities, vote for Elli Schwiesow on Tuesday, June 6.
Time for a change
The following bills were authored by state Sen. Adelstein. They are matters of public record and are indicative of the kind of legislation we can expect if he is re-elected.
1) SB167, an act to provide health insurance coverage for contraceptive drugs and devices. This bill would have driven up the cost of health insurance for every citizen. Adding mandates like this could force more health insurance companies to leave the state. Asking everyone to share in the cost of a personal responsibility decision does not align with Republican values. The bill was killed unanimously in committee.
2) SB120, an act to revise certain requirements related to the identification of voters. Under S.D. law, a voter must show a picture ID from driver's license, passport, tribe or college to prevent voter fraud. Or the voter may sign an affidavit before voting. This bill would have required no signature "if two members of the precinct election board recognized the potential voter." Only three Republicans voted for the bill.
3) HB1156, an act to provide legislators with distinctive motor vehicle license plates. This bill failed in committee ... enough said.
As with Thune's defeat of Daschle, it's "Time for a Change!"
District 34
Rapid City
Knows rural needs
Most voters will have a rare opportunity to vote for a circuit court judge in the June 6 primary. The 7th Circuit Court includes Custer, Fall River, Pennington and Shannon counties. The candidates run on the non-partisan ballot. All registered voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots for circuit court judge.
I firmly believe that Lance Russell is the person for that position. I have known Lance for close to 15 years. I have worked closely with him on many occasions.
Lance is a good lawyer, an excellent prosecutor and understands the needs of the rural area people as well as those from the towns and cities. He has fought hard for the ranchers and farmers without pay. He has worked tirelessly to get the federal government to control the prairie dogs on federal land and allow the ranchers to control the prairie dogs on their land. He did not quit until he succeeded in getting the job done.
We need someone like Lance who understands the law and how it applies to all the people in South Dakota. Some of you do not have a political primary. I urge you to vote for Lance Russell for judge.
District 30
I was kind of suprised to see so many letters from Legislators popping up less than a week before the primary. But now is the time where those that are in office are making their preferences known. Here's another one that's appearing in the District 6 newspapers today for Samantha Stormo from retiring Representative Art Fryslie:

Here's a further example out of Senator Brock Greenfield's brochure that's hitting the streets as we speak from Senator Lee Schoenbeck:

will all these legislative endorsements make the candidate into the winner?
Who knows. Only election day will tell.
What else are they going to say...education funding is a mess and we just let Roger Hunt and Lesslee Unruh set our healthcare policy?
No matter whom they supported it would have to be a Rebublican in a Republican primary. Their letters of support are intended to get votes from other Republicans who will be voting.
I've seen Democrats writing letters in favor of Weise or Billion, gee . . . Democrats endorsing Democrats!
Seems like you must be just plain bored or writing just to read your comments.
You must be bored or like to see yourself in print to remind you that you're alive.
In Stan's case those legislators have worked with him. Utterly meaningless? No, not when they have had the opportunity to see how Stan operates, and it's Rep running against Rep.
But your swipe at Reps was a total fiasco. It shows your inability to see the value of an endorsement in an inter-party race.
Since you weren't bored, you must have been writing so you could read your comments. Gee, you sure have originality, repeating what I wrote, good job.
Regarding Newland's jab at Greenfield's smile, such a ridiculous personal attack in a political blog. I think Bob was in the weed patch too long.