Billion and Wiese try to draw differences in their battle for the Democratic Nomination for Governor

This morning, the associated press is back at it, trying to find a difference between the two Democratic Candidates for Governor:
Billion said he has better qualifications to tackle the job as governor.

Billion said his 30 years as a doctor means he understands medical issues and can find ways to provide affordable, high-quality health care to South Dakotans. The first task is to deal with people who have no health insurance, he said.

Also, Billion said he has contacts throughout the state because of his work in health care, his time in the Legislature and his long tenure on the board of directors of Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell.

“I think my experiences certainly stand up and would lead me to be a better candidate,” Billion said. “I think that in getting along with people and especially in bringing a message to Republicans focusing on education and the economy, I can carry that message to Republicans.”

Wiese said that as president of the South Dakota Farmers Union, he has promoted the construction of plants to make ethanol from corn and biodiesel from soybeans, has worked on economic development projects in rural areas and has managed health insurance and pension systems for the farm organization’s employees.

“I’ve been in the front lines of doing these things,” Wiese said.
Read it all here at the Rapid City Journal. Take it from a Republican. Neither one of these guys exactly blow my skirt up. (not that I wear a skirt).


Anonymous said…
Yeah, but that Mike Rounds, boy, is he a charmer. Just look at him, sitting there, doing....nothing. Ahhh, so dreamy.

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